Hourly Mastodon bot that uses Fedidb data to show the total local users on all known Lemmy and Kbin servers

  • LollerCorleone@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    Fedidb doesn’t have accurate numbers for kbin.social. Their count shows that kbin.social only has 5,389 users, this is the figure from before the ddos protection was turned on. Kbin.social actually has 125,121 users as of today. I guess cloudflare is blocking their crawler as well.

    So the actual number of kbin/lemmy accounts is actually double the figure that this bot is showing.

    • tchambers@kbin.socialOP
      1 year ago

      I could be very wrong, but FediDB is the source of this bot, and the developer there thinks that the Stats number at the footer of Kbin includes remote followers from the Fediverse, but the number he gets from the API counts local users. Would love someone who knows the tech of how Kbin defines stats on the lower footer to confirm.