Russia is not the USSR and hasn’t been for a long time. Why do tankies still worship it?
Because they’re not actually pro-Communist, they’re anti-West. At least, that’s their primary and most important alignment. They might also be communist, but that always comes second to hating on the west.
That’s all they think being communist is, because they’re conservatives. Their chosen tribe is just pro-skub instead of anti-skub.
Their stated ideals are ad-hoc justifications. All that has ever mattered is ingroup loyalty. That’s all they think you’re doing, because that’s all they think there is.
Which explains their favourite “blue MAGA” schtick. Since they blindly follow whatever their tribe thinks, everyone else must be doing the same thing as them.
Yeah, actual leftists know critical support and harm mitigation aren’t just thought-terminating cliches. Tankies sneer about ‘vote blue no matter who’ and then turn around like ‘well of course I push this crank candidate, he’s doing some of what I want.’
It’s worth clarifying - conservative doesn’t mean right-wing. It’s when people view reality as a team sport. Right-wing politics slot nicely into that, because right-wing politics begin and end with ‘well somebody’s got to be king.’ The same pattern of behavior can claim high-minded decentralized goals, and even support them when they happen, but they’re not bothered when you say all the words and wind up with a dictator. Words don’t mean things.
Maybe tankies aren’t who they say they are. Could anyone lie on the internet 🤔
Because they’re devoted campists and will support literally anything that opposes the USA