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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 24th, 2023

  • Just fill your time by being the guy who replies “unfortunately this niche group of people I don’t belong to can’t use your advice” on every ask post reply. Some people really get a thrill out of it.

    Like for instance if someone asks how they can stay hydrated and somebody replies water you could say “unfortunately some people don’t have access to clean water”, and then just let the upvotes roll in because it’s technically true. It’s going to make you feel worse in the short term because you’ll know what you’re doing, but you won’t recognize that right away or maybe ever so it’s probably a viable strategy for a month.

  • You’ve been a teenager who can’t vote and also someone who went to the mall in the past with a same sex partner and got dirty looks from older conservatives within the last few months. You live in a city with rolling blackouts in America.

    As a teenager below voting age you know groceries are a luxury now compared to the past. Everything leads back to third party voting with you, again a teenager below voting age who went to the mall with someone you were dating as a social activity.

    You are really bad at trolling.

  • My grandpa was always really interested in whatever I had going on, especially when I didn’t think it was worth celebrating. We spent a lot of time golfing together when I was a kid and he taught me a lot about staying calm and looking at me today vs yesterday instead of me vs where I wish I was.

    Everybody we ran into seemed to really like being around him. We used to play with a lot of people we rolled up to on the golf course. I try my best to be someone people are happy to see; like they were for him.

    I miss him but I carry so much of him inside I feel like I can still hear what he would say. I hope I can be as important to someone as he was to me.

  • So being high all the time is remarkably similar to being sober all the time because your brain adjusts to what you throw at it.

    I took 10 months off and I just read a lot of books.

    Everyone is different though. You should probably try avoiding the internet news and try interacting with people in real life. People are pretty cool when they’re not a vague description of bad behavior from a stranger online who wants you to believe an entire category of people are bad.

    The news literally exists to make you anxious at this point because it drives engagement.

    The fucked up thing is you can know this and still not be able to stop compulsively reading it.

  • We have a lot of two lane roads where I grew up. My parents used to have this Buick sedan that took diesel. To pass a slower car my mom would make sure there was nobody coming the other way for as far as she could see, then floor it and tell me to pray.

    Whoops I guess I didn’t drive that. Worst car I’ve driven personally is probably a Volkswagen scirocco that had been in storage for years. It was a stick so I had to keep the clutch in with one foot and have my heel on the brake and toe on the throttle just to keep it running at a stop sign.

  • I think I read that average is somewhere like 85-100 and I took note of when I felt most alert when waking up and when I felt most groggy.

    I also like a weekend nap so I tried setting alarms for different amounts of time and landed on where I felt most alert and refreshed upon waking.

    Bonus via edit: if you wake up during the night at the same time it might fall on a sleep cycle divisor. I wake up to pee at 4:30 a lot and 6:00 is my wake up time, 90 mins away.

  • Find out your sleep cycle length. Mine is 90 minutes. My life is better when I get 6, 7.5, or 9 hours (lol I wish) because I wake up at or near the end of a sleep cycle.

    No electronics in bed. Bed is for sleep and sex. No TV either.

    Wake up at the same time every day.

    Don’t try to force yourself to sleep if it ain’t happening. Go do something boring for a bit.

    Sometimes I’m worn out but can’t nap on weekends and I will just lay there trying to relax every muscle I can notice. Sometimes this makes me fall asleep and sometimes I just get some good body rest.

    Make your room as dark as possible.

    If you have trouble sleeping through noise, try a noise machine. It sounds counter intuitive but usually it’s new or sudden noises that are the problem, and your brain should tune out the noise machine after it becomes a usual sound.

    Avoid caffeine 6 hours before bedtime.

    If you get heartburn avoid acidic foods and drinks before bedtime.

    Alcohol and grass will help you sleep sometimes but it will be worse quality sleep.

    These are things that help me, they might not help you. Try to keep a sleep journal if you’re having trouble nailing down what might be disrupting your sleep. It’s all about being in tune with how your body works and feels. Take some time during the day to just feel how you feel.

    If you try a bunch of stuff and you get sleep and drag ass every day anyways get checked for sleep apnea.