At least he improved the lives of those 2500 people.
At least he improved the lives of those 2500 people.
According to that, it’s only batteries and Manufacturing equipment. I’m pretty sure model 3 and Y for EU is made in China.
Sort by country to get a very quick view of what is made in Germany.
Most Tesla sold outside USA are made in China.
I recently saw a review of a Tesla here in Denmark (EU so Chinese made), where the reviewer exclaimed, hey the quality has become really good, it’s not like the old shit they used to make.
And I must admit I laughed a little, thinking that’s probably because they are made in China now.
Cars like Xpeng have a reputation of being among the most well built cars you can get! So made in China does not necessarily equal poor quality anymore.
My wife just broke her phone dropping it on cement terrace tiles (stupid dog), which ironically I did about 9 moths ago too, so now she has ordered a Nokia G42.
I’m wondering if we should order extra tiles for the terrace now. 😋
Absolutely, on way more cases than just 1.
Yes but the post I responded to completely turned around. So that’s fine for me. Probably someone thought my comment wasn’t necessary, but obviously it was for some, since it changed the voting both instantly and completely.
Americans are indoctrinated with values of individual freedom to a degree where Malignant narcissism has become a virtue, and it shows throughout all aspects of society.
Everything that benefit common good is demonized. Like food stamps, social welfare, healthcare for all, protection of minorities, lack of union rights, insane gun rights, and abolishing free abortion, and even sex education.
It’s in everything American in society, and USA is so far removed from other developed countries it’s more like a very poor developing country in many aspects.
It’s all about oppressing the non privileged, to give more privileges to the already privileged.
Now people are even getting away with claiming slavery wasn’t so bad!!
IDK why you are downvoted, maybe it’s the double negative?
But just to make it clear, keep from losing = winning.
So corrected for double negative:
The level of idiotic selfish spitefulness required for him to win…
And yes I agree completely, it’s insane he even had a chance, and it says a LOT about the American society as a whole is mentally ill.
Not everybody, but enough to make it a systemic problem throughout everything in society. It must be hell to live in USA as a normal person!
Well obviously Trump belongs in jail. And if they followed the law, he would be.
Blame Garland
And Biden, and democrats in congress for not pushing to fucking get it done for 2 years.
And Pelosi for preventing any action and protecting Trump while he was president, and she was majority leader.
And Mueller for making a mockery of the special investigation, dragging it out for years, and then having done just about the narrowest investigation possible, and letting traitors walk despite clear evidence.
It’s fucking incompetence all the way through, to a degree it must be perceived as maliciousness, and that both parties are in on it.
Goddam I’m happy to live in a country that doesn’t effectively have a 2 party system. I cannot fathom how Americans tolerate their idiotic flawed democracy for almost 250 years now! Isn’t it about time to modernize? And yet American politicians boast of their democracy and claim to protect democracy around the world, when they fucking can’t even figure it out for their own country!
Congratulations to the American people, for having the guts to elect a crazy criminal malignant narcissist idiot for president.
I doubt many places would have the guts to do that.
To be entirely honest, this makes me doubt we will make it as a species.
Ah yes of course, I just haven’t used manual mount for almost a decade. So I completely forgot we used to do that. I have to unmount it first though, because USB sticks are automatically mounted.
Yes that’s annoying too, I have no clue why it does that, but when the sync says “clear”, I always wait a couple seconds, and run sync again a couple of times, to see if it’s actually finished. And only THEN unmount the stick.
Copy to USB does not seem very solid on Linux IMO. So I also ALWAYS buy sticks with activity LED.
But even that can fool you, sometimes when I think a smaller copy is finished, because the LED stops blinking, it suddenly starts up again, after having paused for about 1½ second?!?!
Oh boy, yes I remember I used to disable that shit ages ago in fstab, that’s quite annoying that’s still necessary!!!
How do you do that for USB sticks?
except linux waits on updating the UI until all write buffers are flushed, whereas Windows does not.
I wish that were true here. But when I copy to USB the file manager ( XFCE/Thunar ) shows the copy is finished and closes the copy notifications way way before it’s even half done, when I copy movies to a stick.
I use fast USB 3 stick on USB 3 port, and I don’t get anywhere near the write speed the stick manufacturer claims. So I always open a terminal and run sync, to see when it’s actually finished.
I hate to the extreme when systems don’t account for write cache before claiming a copy is finished, it’s such an ancient problem we’ve had since the 90’s, and I find it embarrassing that such problems still exist on modern systems.
Although 3D is nice, it simply doesn’t seem to be sufficient incentive to put up with the isolation from other people and the surrounding environment that the viewing equipment invariably requires.
This is spot on IMO, the technologies are now good enough at producing realistic 3D experiences even interactive, that if there were no inconveniences I’d bet it would be about as popular as color was when that became reality.
3D is in principle probably about as big a change as color once was. Difference is that color was an instant hit for those who could afford it, because there was no downside other than price. 3D is still not very popular, no matter if you use it for entertainment like movies, VR or augmented reality either for entertainment or productivity.
3D simply isn’t very popular even within one of those segmants, and I’d argue @SquiffSquiff is 100% right in his conclusion that it’s just too inconvenient.
You are absolutely correct, I’d also argue Q is more fantasy than SciFi, it’s probably more correct to say Star Trek was MOSTLY SciFi, while Star Wars had more fantasy elements as a fundamental part of the Universe that are the basis for the stories.
Personally I consider time travel as absolutely a fantasy element, I see no reason to believe the past and future exist at the same “time” as the present. Which makes time travel basically nonsense.
All time travel speculation quickly ends out in either infinities or paradoxes. Only a very careful author, who set up strict limitations prevent that.
To be honest I’m extremely tired of all the time travel babble Star Trek has turned into, where time travel is a key element of the stories.
You can’t have your own facts. The court chickened out, and USA is obviously not a nation of law, but of privilege.
Responsible to who?
Of course they will sell if there’s a profit to be made. Companies exist to make profits, if they can make a profit from it, it’s actually their responsibility to the shareholders to do it.
Maybe you mean responsible in some way that has to do with morals, but if you think morals apart from staying within the law, have any say in this whatsoever, you are being very naive. That’s not at all how the system works.
That said I don’t see any other way than corruption for Musk to be interested. Musk buys Intel, and Trump doubles the subsidies to Intel and give them extra sweet government contracts. And everybody profit, except the stupid taxpayers including those that voted Trump.
Only the law helps super capitalist narcissists to stay at least somewhat within moral norms.
And in USA the law doesn’t even count anymore. So there you go, everything is fucked up, until Americans figure it out. Which means it will be fucked up for a loooong time.