Saw something similar in a government office. Three story building with no elevator. Handicapped stalls on the third floor.
Saw something similar in a government office. Three story building with no elevator. Handicapped stalls on the third floor.
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So what, in detail, is your plan for the 2026 elections?
Look up Jerry Falwell and his Moral Majority.
Jerry decided he wanted to run the GOP so he went out and organized.
If a town’s GOP club had had twenty people show up to pick tghe candidate for clerk, Jerry’s chruch folk would show up with fifty.
“The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
“If Hitler were to invade Hell, I should find something nice to say about Satan.” Winston Churchill
There are primary elections coming up for all of congress and a third of the Senate.
Start working for your chosen candidate now.
Thanks for the heads up.
Trump could start WW3 and you’d find a way to blame the Dems.
What’s your alternative to the Dems?
Some magical army that is going to appear when things get bad enough?
Maybe the plan is to invade Gaza, get the Arabs to pull another Oil Boycott, and then use the chaos to get more American oil.
It’s so crazy, it might just work.
California used to have a great state-wide mental health system. Plenty of beds for people who needed help. Ronald Reagan came in and cut the program to save money. Suddenly the Golden State had a big homelessness problem. That meant that police and prison budgets could be increased.
It worked so well that Reagan did the exact same thing as soon as he was inaugurated.
I read a novel written by a Vietnam era draftee.
There was a scene where two draftees were talking about ending the draft. One was against it because it would mean that all the people in the Army would be ‘lifers’ and lifers were the ones who were quickest to massacre civilians.
Hunter Thompson wrote about it once. His opinion was that when he served, a lot of upper class families sent their sons to the Army. That meant that they were meeting and working with all types of people.
My personal take is that it’s a good thing, if there’s a non-military equivalent, something like FDR’s CCC
The entire world ran without the internet until a few years ago.
London had something like ten mail deliveries a day before the telephone was invented.
“The Man In The Iron Mask” talks about the French semaphore towers.
Don’t discount practical effects. Watch “The Thing” or “American Werewolf in London” if you don’t believe me.
If you are unfamiliar with him, look up a writer named Poul Anderson. He specialized in creating ‘strange new worlds’ and populated them with all sorts of great characters. “War Of The Wingmen” is a good novel to start with.
I been saying this for a while.
Drop all the ‘canon’ lore. No more Klingons, Romulans, Vulcans, or Borg. In fact, no six foot tall, five fingered aliens. Aliens will look completely unlike humans.
Wipe all memory and start 100% fresh.
Speaking as an American, I’m stunned by the lack of political awareness most of my countrymen display.
Over one million people died under Trump and they voted him back in.
I thought it might be off topic because it didn’t specifically deal with a will or written legacy.
[off topic?]
Ray Bradbury was a staunch anti-fascist. However, he had a beef with Pres. Obama because there were no major US space missions while Obama was in office.
After Bradbury died, Right Wing folks tried to paint him as a life-long GOP based on a few out of context quotes.
“The Dirty Dozen” The original ‘convicts on a suicide mission’ movie. Starts with a hanging and ends with a bunch of Nazi officers getting burned alive.
I think it’s a grammar thing, not a science thing.
For example, we consider everything from Buckingham Palace to a one bedroom house to be a “building.”
Similarly, everything from a broom closet to ballroom is a ‘room.’