I believe I read that Amazon recently closed its warehouses in Quebec because one unionized.
When Trump won they realized they could use him. They spent the last 4 years pecking at his brain and writing up their dream bills for him to sign. There’s no way Trump is the instigator of the vast majority of what he’s signing.
100k eggs about to go bad.
You’d have to try to sell to stores and restaurant chains. I’m guestimating that’s 28 pallets of eggs. Googling says 8640 eggs per pallet, so 11.5 pallets.
But race war is a reach. The shooter years ago in Buffalo Mall (?) thought the same.
There are many types of coup, it’s not limited to military coup. If Trump stays, it’s called a self coup.
Such a hold would halt the chamber’s ability to move bills quickly, and require Senate Majority Leader John Thune to use precious floor time to ram the president’s nominees through the confirmation process.
Ah the Trump approach to contractors. And Musk approach to rent.
“We have no visibility into what they are doing with the computer and data systems,” one of the officials said. “That is creating great concern. There is no oversight. It creates real cybersecurity and hacking implications.”
A team including current and former employees of Musk assumed command of OPM on Jan. 20, the day Trump took office. They have moved sofa beds onto the fifth floor of the agency’s headquarters, which contains the director’s office and can only be accessed with a security badge or a security escort, one of the OPM employees said.
The sofa beds have been installed so the team can work around the clock, the employee said.
The new appointees in charge of OPM have moved the agency’s chief management officer, Katie Malague, out of her office and to a new office on a different floor, the officials said.
That’s a good one.
It’s so Trump doesn’t target them. He could effectively destroy their business.
Start the Guile music!
I’ve not extensively researched this but: Fish oil. And I think everyone should take a multivitamin. The magnesium oxide and zinc oxide in multis are hard to absorb, so take additional magnesium and zinc. Zinc comes in 50 mg, RDA is 11, so I cut it into 4.
Ergo keyboard.
Finally motion is lotion. Go through full ranges of motion. Cartilage has very little blood flow and requires the fluid around it to move to get nutrients and such. Little bits throughout the day are probably better than lots once a week. Don’t resume running because that’s high impact. Do sprints if you really want that kind of motion.
Remember when they admonished Biden’s administration for not firing anyone after the Afghanistan evacuation? Yeah that’s all Republicans want, to fire people. Well actually they might go after these guys.
Well it makes sense. The problem is not this specific issue, it’s the ever increasing AI use and Bitcoin mining. And bidding war for electricity.
Public outcry ≠ protest voters.
From what I know cats see us as part of their tribe.
President Donald Trump signed an executive order pardoning 23 anti-abortion-rights activists Thursday, one day before he is expected to address thousands of anti-abortion-rights demonstrators at their annual march in Washington.
I still chuckle at the user that told me deportation was not Trump’s point.