One captured Russian soldier says he worries about what will happen if he is returned to Russia in a prisoner swap. “If I have the opportunity, I’ll refuse to be exchanged." Another fighter reported that a doctor declared him unfit for combat after he was wounded in March, but his commander ordered him back to the front.

    1 year ago

    There’s documentaries about how rampant the propaganda is, that people get imprisoned and killed if they avoid service, and that there are rituals in the Russian military where soldiers steal money and food from other “platoons” just to survive. Not even starting to describe all different kinds of hazing going on there.

    What I’m saying is, what they do is wrong and there should be more critical thinking and more uproar in the Russian society, but considering how jaded ppl out there are to government fuckery and the precarious circumstances, the soldiers are the last ones to blame.

    Let’s stick to the all encompassing Fuck Putin.