This is just one action in a coming conflict. It will be interesting to see how this shakes out. Does the record industry win and digital likenesses become outlawed, even taboo? Or does voice, appearance etc just become another sets of rights that musicians will have to negotiate during a record deal?

      1 year ago

      Right, this is what people always say about AI art, but they are never specific about what that adaptation would even look like in this case.

      Why not just a new tool for artist to use? Sure it will replace artists in some scenarios and it will enable less artistically adept people. But I look at how it is used in Photoshop you select a section and tell the AI what to replace and it does and you do a little bit of cleanup to make it presentable. But end of the day I think you will always need some artistic vision in the majority of cases to tell the AI what you want it to do. If you give the AI tools to an average person vs an artist the artist would be far superior every time.

      Artists themselves don’t need AI, they can just make the art themselves This only benefits non-artists who want to exploit the skill that goes into creating art, without actually acknowledging the intrinsic link between art and the human being creating it.

      Does a photo editor really want to spend 3 hours removing aunt Beth obliviously photo bombing the bride and groom’s wedding photo? When they could just use AI and be done in 10 minutes? Or how about an artist using some AI art as a starting off point or some inspiration to start their own creation.

      That is how I see AI, a very powerful tool in an artist toolbox.

      It will work for a while, but without actual human beings inputting content for the AI, it will dead end. A cotton gin doesn’t still need the cotton pickers to still keep picking cotton for it to fulfill its function, an AI will still need the artists though.

      Your assuming all Human created art will stop. I seriously doubt that will ever happen, if anything I see it increasing as AI will help create Human art faster.

      I don’t think AI is like other inventions and advancements, it’s something that human beings and society at large are really not mentally equipped to deal with, even the people designing it don’t understand the ramifications of what they’re doing.

      I don’t think I would say humans were really ready for the electricity, Nuclear technology, internet, cell phones, social media, the microwave. But we haven’t killed our self off yet. Maybe it is just slowly killing us or driving us crazy. But for better or for worse it is part of our life’s and their is no removing it now. AI is here to stay.