As I get older into adulthood I feel like more and more things require my attention. Trying to juggle work, family, home maintenance etc I’m constantly busy. I can almost never find time to rest because there is always something that has to be done. How do you find time to rest and cope with the stress but also get the things on your plate complete?

    1 year ago

    I have “Do Nothing” days. It’s really the only way I survive, honestly.

    During many parts of the year, my job and home lives are extremely hectic and stressful. Whenever I can, I designate a “do nothing” day, which helps my brain actually take advantage of resting that day without thinking “omg I need to do this, and this, and this”, etc. Usually it ends up being a Saturday, and while I’d love for it to be weekly, I’d say I have them more like twice a month or so.

    The rules for a Do Nothing day are that I Do Not Do Anything Important, I don’t even leave the house - just chill, play video games, read, craft, garden, watch TV, sleep, etc. Whatever feels right. It makes picking back up with the stress the next day much easier to handle. Plus, I find it’s really hard for me to ever relax even when I do have a moment to do so, so I would usually waste all that time anyway throughout the week just straight up worrying about what I should be doing. At least by doing this I combine all that time into one day, and I actually use it to relax!

      1 year ago

      I have the problem that every day I’m not at work it’s a do nothing day :-/

      No clue where people get all this motivation from.