I’m surprised we’ve seen basically nothing from provincial or federal governments to improve housing/rental affordability. With riding interest rates, I was expecting at least a slump, but that hasn’t happened. Instead, we’ve seen amortizations grow rapidly.
The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions has recommended
Removing the ability to extend amortization periods could exert downward pressure on some house prices, as it reduces the options available to help some borrowers meet their financial obligation
But (AFAIU) Parliament has ignored the recommendation. It’s a really shitty situation, that I don’t see a way out of.
What’s more concerning is that the goverment fails to realize that expensive housing is killing the economy.
Forget about the fact a huge chunk of money is going into an unproductive asset. Young people and immigrants who can’t afford housing are gonna start looking elsewhere (US for example).
Who’s gonna pay taxes to sustain the older folks in their empty million dollars SFH??