You’re not wrong. It’s what started me on the mech kb journey so long ago. I wish I remembered what pen it was, but it was my teacher’s and had a very satisfying click to it. He said that it was the same click as the old mainframe keebs that he used to work on. I was young, and had no idea what he was talking about, but a keyboard can sound and feel that good? I had to know! Fast forward to today, that dragon has not yet been reached, but the chase continues on both fronts (pen and kb).
Nothing exciting, I’m afraid! The orange pen is a Pilot from the Retro Pop collection, and the silver pencil is a Pentel Graph Gear 1000.
I like them quite a bit. I don’t know what it is about pens and notebooks…
E: and keyboards, obviously. I’m here, aren’t I? Haha
Pretty sure Extremely Special Office Supplies are a gateway drug, and one of the places that can lead you to is… here. 😁
You’re not wrong. It’s what started me on the mech kb journey so long ago. I wish I remembered what pen it was, but it was my teacher’s and had a very satisfying click to it. He said that it was the same click as the old mainframe keebs that he used to work on. I was young, and had no idea what he was talking about, but a keyboard can sound and feel that good? I had to know! Fast forward to today, that dragon has not yet been reached, but the chase continues on both fronts (pen and kb).