Key Points

  • As shoppers await price cuts, retailers like Home Depot say their prices have stabilized and some national consumer brands have paused price increases or announced more modest ones.
  • Yet some industry watchers predict deflation for food at home later this year.
  • Falling prices could bring new challenges for retailers, such as pressure to drive more volume or look for ways to cover fixed costs, such as higher employee wages.
    4 months ago

    I honestly don’t get it. Why do prices have to go up even if wages don’t? It seems like some people say that some kind of inflation is absolutely necessary no matter what.

      4 months ago

      It’s nearly impossible for us to maintain the value of money. More is printed every day, much is destroyed at a rate that can’t be tracked, and the economy is fucking complex. Because of all that it will either be in an inflationary or deflationary state at any given moment

      Generally speaking inflation is better overall than deflation, so we try to keep a low inflation rate going so it’s not out of control and doesn’t enter deflation

      4 months ago

      They don’t HAVE to go up, but inflation is helpful to the economy and deflation is harmful. With deflation everyone stops spending because their dollar will buy more tomorrow, and that lack of activity hurts the economy.

      With a little bit of steady inflation it encourages spending, but wages tend to keep up so it doesn’t actually hurt people.

      Also those times when inflation outpaces wage growth are theoretically helpful (in a market that doesn’t have other failures) because if wage growth has stalled that means the value of that labor to the employer has decreased, and inflation helps reset that value calculation without making it a normal thing for companies to reduce your wage at an annual review, think of how hard that would be to budget for.