I really enjoy Linux but I find myself having to keep Windows partitions around for software that specifically requires Windows.

Proton makes everything easier by automatically running game files through a translation layer, and it “just works” quite well most of the time.

Also VanillaOS can apparently auto-spin a container when you try to open a .deb or AUR package (this is my rudimentary understanding).

Setting up WINE/Bottles, etc. is above my pay grade.

Is it not possible to create an OS that just does the same thing as Steam but for the entire OS?

  • Para_lyzed@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    You came into this with hostility, insulting the commenter instead of nicely asking how to do what they said you can do, and then you have the audacity to complain that they answered your question? Sorry, but it’s very clear that you’re the problem here. If you’re going to complain that Linux users assume you know something when they answer, and then continue to complain when they provide clarification upon realizing they missed some information you needed to know after you complain to them about assuming you know what they’re talking about, then the problem here is not the Linux users, and I’m not sure why you’re in this community. This goes for every aspect of life, but you can always just politely ask for clarification like a normal person, instead of acting like a child throwing a tantrum. Most people will be conservative with their answers as to not insult you by assuming you don’t know anything and bloating the comments with detailed instructions that could be unnecessary. Just ask for clarification.

    If your view of Linux users is so negative, then why are you here? Why are you asking us for help? Why are you using Linux in the first place if you have such disdain for it? It makes no sense to me why you are being so hostile to people who are simply trying to help you.