• Delusional@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Violence is sometimes the answer. And that’s when fascism comes rearing it’s head because you know for damn sure they’ll use all the violence they can to get their way and they won’t ever stop trying to enact their shitty, dumb ideas that no one likes and every normal human being knows won’t work.

    Then the fascists will cry about violence and being civil as if they haven’t been complete shitheads and stoking their own violent rhetoric for the past decade. Electing the worst person possible who constantly lies about everything and won’t take responsibility for his own actions and words. A child rapist, wife beating, wife cheating, daughter fucking moron. And electing him means they’re completely fine with all that stuff which should be a massive fucking red flag to anyone sane.

    Hillary was completely right. Republicans are deplorable and they’re only getting worse.