Feanor: Look at this! I’ve made the 3 coolest jewels EVER!!! 🥹
The Gods: Congrats, those are indeed the 3 coolest jewels ever made.
Feanor: I know, right! ☺️
The Gods: Now, hand them over to us.
Morgoth: I wasn’t asking!
Elves looking down on the other races in middle earth? Say it ain’t so!
See also Galadriel’s words in the prologue to Fellowship of The Ring: Three rings were given to the Elves - immortal, wisest, and fairest of all beings.
Where’s that meme of Obama putting a medal on Obama?
IIRC, Elrond isn’t as stuck-up in the book, but it’s been a year or two since I last read Fellowship.
One of my biggest problems with the movies is that they made Elrond (and all of the other elves) so angry and stodgy, and completely ignored all of the joyful aspects of his character from the books. The elves, especially the Noldor, are a people defined by the way their joy for life is inextricably mixed with sorrow as they fight the long defeat, which is part of what makes them so compelling.
Agreed. Hugo weaving is a good actor, but played the part so stoically that in my head I automatically insert “, Mr. Anderson” after everything Elrond says as if he’s agent Smith
Frodo reappears after putting the ring on, disorientated from the experience
Juno Reactor music starts playing
Well I mean arrogance was one of their traits. The elves were the racists of middle Earth
To be completely fair they lived in a world where there actually were real differences between the races. In our world racism is silly because there aren’t any actually relevant differences between the races, but the differences between elves, men, and dwarves are very real in middle earth. Not enough to pull everyone over a comb (to use a swedish proverb), but at least there’s some substance to it.
I quite like how Dwarf Fortress treats elves with contempt. If you try to sell them wooden furniture, they sink to their knees and weep at the loss of life, vowing to never trade with you again.
Naturally, this leads to many players inviting an Elven caravan into their fortresses, sealing the doors shut, setting traps, and letting nature take its course