It’s almost certainly the neighbors thing. The specific complaints are mostly that Rhode Islanders have a very distinctive accent (it’s no longer super widespread, but think Lois from family guy) and when your friends/relatives move there, they stop thinking of an hourlong drive (to visit you) as a day trip, but that might just be a trend in my circle.
That, and their clam chowder isn’t real chowder and wtf is coffee milk (yep, those are definitely just neighborly things to pick at). I always liked honey dew better than dunkin though.
News to me! Never been to the northeast. Anything in particular about Rhode island? Or just the typical “this state > a nearby state”?
It’s almost certainly the neighbors thing. The specific complaints are mostly that Rhode Islanders have a very distinctive accent (it’s no longer super widespread, but think Lois from family guy) and when your friends/relatives move there, they stop thinking of an hourlong drive (to visit you) as a day trip, but that might just be a trend in my circle.
That, and their clam chowder isn’t real chowder and wtf is coffee milk (yep, those are definitely just neighborly things to pick at). I always liked honey dew better than dunkin though.
Ha, thanks for sharing. I’m Midwest- Minnesota calls cheese balls (fried) “cheese curds”. Weirdos.
Nothing wrong with a bit of local pride.
Different world with the population density. Would rather live vicariously