Waah, why is the picture slightly tilted? O.o
Also capturing wild toddlers and keeping them in tiny spherical prisons is frowned on.
That’s a strange way to describe pregnancy.
Well yeah, first you have to level it up to 8 or so and then you can enroll it in fighting school
If you want the same thing but for the remainder of your life, get a bird. Parrots are basically flying mischievous toddlers with beam cutters on their faces that never grow out of the toddler mentality.
Serious addendum
If you actually want to get a bird as a pet, please do your research. They’re smart, loud, social and high maintenance, and you need to be there for them basically all the time. Also, adopt, don’t buy!
When I was a kid, our neighbors had parrots.
One late afternoon my mom hears my baby sister crying in her room. Gets up. Checks on her. Sleeping soundly in her bed.
Half an hour later. Crying again. Same thing, my sister is sleeping
This happened a couple times
Took a couple days for my mom to figure out that one of the parrots learned to imitate my crying sister perfectly, and she could hear it when my neighbor had his windows open
My grandma once told me about a budgie they had back before I was born. It apparently was actively trolling them by mimicking sounds of their doorbell and landline phone.
Don’t make a mistake, they know perfectly fine which sounds grab our attention and they will abuse this knowledge.