Where do Muslims learn to pray from?
In conclusion, to skip my ramble, my question is where does it describe step by step how to pray? how to do wudhu step by step?
Should a woman wear scarf during prayer or no?
As it is not described step by step in the hadiths and not in the holy Quran.
As someone who did not grow up Muslim, I am yet to learn where all the teachings come from, and how does everyone know everything step by step as I have not found it anywhere.
I am a Muslima who is still learning to pray, as I cannot speak Arabic and i find it hard to remember all the movements, as well as i struggle with the timings of prayers.
Naturally, the Islamic way requires quite a few steps, and requires lots of memorising.
However, I do question how does a Muslim learn to pray?
Especially if one believes that Quran is sufficient enough to be a Muslim, since prayer steps, what to say and wudhu are not explained step by step.
Also, I might be incorrect, but isn’t the prayer supposed to be derived from a hadith?
However, I have not found hadith explaining step by step wudhu, prayer motions and when/what to say.
I am just learning the way everyone prays, but I do question the origin where Muslims are learning to pray from as I have not found it explaining step by step in the holy Quran or in the hadiths.