Let’s be honest. If I was alive back then, I would have been married off in exchange for a plow, 3 pigs, and 12 sacks of potatoes, if I was lucky.
Hey, don’t sell yourself short. You’re worth at least twice that many sacks of potatoes.
Hmm 3goats take it or leave it
I’m sorry, I don’t know what to say. Literally, I don’t have any say in the matter.
You didn’t go to galas unless you owned successful businesses or people.
Yeah but we also still have tavern wenches like your mother.
Uncool dude… Mother deserve to be treated nicely on the fediverse.
You know their mother won’t see this right?
If she’s into “nice guys,” I guess I could role play.
So your answer to misogyny is more misogyny… How elegant !
That’s not misogyny, it’s objectification.
Back in the day we poor people would have had all night ho downs and tore the barn down, or had naked drunk parties in the forest. We should get back to that
Those still exist, you are just not invited to them 😛