I’m no longer a fan of banning guns. Let’s all get some.
-Liberal Logic-
Late term abortions - ✅
White guilt - ✅
Open borders - ✅
Men beating women in their own sport class - ✅
LGBTQ books mainly based on sexual inert course in schools - ✅
Entire personality based on who you prefer to screw - ✅
White man bad - ✅
Orange man really bad - ✅
Couldn’t load a gun if you handed them one - ✅
Brave of you to wear your mental health issues on your sleeve like this bud
Why is some pansie gonna jump outta the bushes and and tell call me a racist, bigot Nazi?
Yeah, those words literally mean nothing anymore. Well done on that, BTW.
He called you retarded luv, i wonder and wonder how do you not posses second grader reading comprehension?
Probably the same way you posses the ability to insult someone on a 2nd grade level. Keep at it tho, I believe in you!
Please ask someone to read to you!
That was not an insult, @aushtan called you retarded! But your victim complex is so incredibly strong that you defaulted into hiding behind into your lil excuses!
Can I ask you to pull your head out of your ass briefly, just so that you can read? Tho I really am starting to think that won’t even help you…
You should be scared of much worse happening to you.
Well, I’m not.
I guess you’ll just have to find a way to live with that,huh?
Make sure you let everyone know what you believe. It will make it much easier to get you.
Anyone know what this smooth brain is talking about?
Yeah, he’s blaming “Librals” for making him a Nazi.
It’s amazing how the dumbest people imaginable flock to Nazism. Cheers!
I mean, I don’t agree with Nazi’s. But because I don’t agree with the democratic ideology, I’m by default - a Nazi in your eyes.
I like how you lead with such valor but teeter out at the end, ya know, where the facts come into play.
It’s like the word Nazi is the “N-word” every liberal has been dying to say out loud and they just replaced it and pointed to white ppl you don’t agree with.
And yet you voted for one! Congrats.
I’m sorry you feel that way. Truly.
I wish the best for you and yours regardless of what side your on. Don’t ever think conservatives just hate anything that doesn’t align with us.
If you disagree with my voting for Trump, guess what?
That’s the AWESOME part about being an American. You Can openly disagree and be OK.
You are still an American and if I enlisted and went to war (God forbid) , I’d be fighting for you and yours just like I’d be fighting for me and mines.
Our political differences mean Jack shit in the grand scheme of things.
I’m surprised ur not banned for this have u seen !news_summary@hilariouschaos.com