For the people who have not yet decided on a search engine. The most EU way you can go is Ecosia or Qwant as they are building their own search index.

Ecosia is my personal pick as its also aimed at planting trees and they have quite a good browser alongside it.

    19 hours ago

    open street maps does not handle temporary road closures, construction, or temporary one-ways well

    that sadly depends on your region and the amount of volunteers in your area. I remember reading how OSM was more reliable after the 2023 Turkey earthquake for the first responders than Google Maps, because the changes in the terrain were added there much faster.

    I don’t know about the road conditions during the navigation. it definitely does support this kind of data as I input it myself every now and then, but I don’t drive so I haven’t had to try out different OSM navigation algorithms to see if they account for it, or anything like that.

      18 hours ago

      I more mean the actual method of doing it isn’t straightforward and there is still no fully agreed upon and documented method for construction changes, just a few “you can do it this way” kind of things.

      And indeed navigation picking up the OSM updates and using temporary closure tags and road conditions seems to be more miss than hit with organic maps at least. But the UI is 10x more usable than OSMAnd so I use it where possible.