Haha “could have”. :)
Looking for an alternative to reddit
Haha “could have”. :)
AI can put together all that personal data and create very detailed profiles on everyone, automatically. From that data, an Ai can add a bunch of attributes that are very likely to be true as well, based on what the person is doing every day, working, education, gender, social life, mobile data location, bills etc etc.
This is like having a person follow every user around 24 hours per day, combined with a psychologist to interpret and predict the future.
It’s worth a lot of money to advertisers of course.
That ip address at a university is probably forwarding everything to some Chinese government agency. Now they can just blame the university and remove any trace of the real guys.
It’s impossible to be 100% honest all the time if you want to live in the western culture. It would cause so many problems. You would be seen as someone strange, even though you are the normal one for expressing your honest emotions.
In a mad world, being sane is seen as being mad.
No but I look at how old people looked when they were young, and it’s always a shock.
A password max length shouldn’t be needed if they store a hash of it in the db.
If you do that, people will ask more questions and you will have to tell them why you feel that way. Unless you want to tell complete strangers (or job clients) how you feel, I’m not sure about this strategy. :)
Don’t worry about it. If you don’t post anything they disagree with (and most people don’t), you will not be annoyed by them.
If you have only mainstream opinions, you will be fine. You don’t question mainstream science, you think everyone needs to vaccinate for the public good, and so on. Nothing strange for the majority.
Unhealthy because there is no feeling of hope? I’m OK with that actually. Life is still alright. But I don’t think we actually can change anything important.
Yes, there are ebbs and flows. Sometimes bad people are in charge, sometimes good. And sure, sometimes some very charismatic person is also a good one, and manages to make things a bit better.
But the overall trend is not towards humanity being free of debt slavery, or wars, or greed and power.
Sure but do they matter?
Yeah ok, but… I really don’t think the billionaries in charge care if you vote with your little salaried forced job income… I think if you look at the perspective of having millions or billions, people’s actions don’t matter, like at all.
I went to look and the stock has gained more than 300% since it was introduced a few years ago.
I hate reddit.
I don’t understand why someone would post a search query as a Lemmy post, but ok. Maybe it’s a bot creating random content.
The average iq in that room would be incredible if it wasn’t for Trump.
That site has no truth since people have to use their real names there.
Voting doesn’t work, they control the candidates. Money and power is what people like that want, and they get that in exchange for playing along.
Downvoters are just still in the matrix. It’s OK.
We don’t have control of our world, we never did. Just distance yourself from the madness and embrace the good in the world. Focus on those things and it becomes your reality.
By changing the url manually to instances you know about?
You can set up wireguard vpn on a tiny instance in Amazon or Google, and bounce traffic through that one. Then you control what gets logged (Amazon may have logs over all outgoing connections from all instances somewhere though).
You can even make it change it’s public ip every day if you want.