I have fleas.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • I mean, the article goes into how their real estate was gutted, which could have provided a safety margin for them to restructure. But again, I care nothing for red lobster, but I see the same pattern as happened with so many others. Read into Sears or Toy-R-Us for example. It’s the pattern of these parasitic private equity firms. They look for these struggling businesses that have assets they can come in to exploit, hastening the demise.

    In the end it’s not so much that I care about these businesses survival as I angers me to see a few corporate fucks stripping away the value that workers had built over the years and leaving destruction in the wake.

  • I’m someone who vastly prefers to work in an office. It’s kind of a pain in the ass dealing with remote workers, meetings having gone to teams instead of in person, it just feels impersonal and as a former manager it is harder to maintain and keep your staff engaged.

    But this is the modern workforce, and we have plenty of evidence that productivity is still there with a hybrid or remote office. When I was a manager I had to change my strategies, I had to adapt and learn, just like everything else I do in my professional life. Now that I am part of leadership but without direct reports, it’s just more adapting and learning that I am doing to stay relevant.

    poor management is why all these companies are trying to force people back, it’s just people who cannot adapt.