Adramis [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月27日


  • It makes me kind of sad to see so many people happy that the accent is going away. It’s good to have diversity, and the thought of my “native” accent becoming extinct makes me sad. I don’t want bad people to have a claim to an entire accent and culture, especially since the death of the accent won’t do anything about the bad takes. There’s a lot that good about southern culture - taking things slow, being laid-back in a world that wants you to run around like a chicken with your head cut off, and forming tight communities with the people around you. I just wish there was a way to reclaim that without feeling afraid that people would assume I support the bad parts, too.

  • Why would you use an accent when it actively gets you associated with idiots / racists / conservatives?

    There’s a lot of people who have been hurt by Southern culture, so naturally they reject that accent. A lot of decent people reject the accent because they don’t want people to assume they’re one of those Southerners. There’s also the aspect that you end up talking to people outside your region a lot more often than in the old days, so you learn to switch it off because people outside your region might not understand you well.

  • I think this guy from the article has the best take:

    Marsden has handled dogs since the age of seven, and following a long career as a stockman in agriculture, has spent most of his life around working dogs, training collies, lurchers and greyhounds. “I think there is a growing problem now with owners not taking responsibility for their dog’s actions,” he says.

    “Not everyone understands how to train them properly.”

    He says there have been similar concerns about potentially dangerous breeds over the years, such as rottweilers and dobermans, and that banning a breed may only shift attention on to a new one. “You take these off people and the likelihood is they’ll just move on to something else.”

    What’s the alternative? “We need to look at getting more licensed breeding, so there is more oversight into where these puppies are coming from … People are bringing dogs in from other countries where regulations aren’t the same as they are in the UK.”