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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I think that’s sort of the point. Sort of a two pronged approach…

    On one hand…The US Oligarchs are running out of cheap labor. This is literally their solution. Force a ban on abortions and contraceptives and you’ll see a spike of pregnancies, the unwanted children will hinder their unready families from better opportunities, and pretty much force them to work lower paid and hourly positions.

    On the other hand, by forcing more US citizens to have kids, you’ll have cheap labor, allowing you to ban “illegal immigrants”.

  • Your dumb conspiracy theories are based on fear and cowardice.

    The amount of people that have been “hurt” because of the vaccine is statistically insignificant, and it’s no different than the number of people that would have issues at taking any other “safe” over the counter medicine.

    Your entire belief against has been crafted and pushed by foreign actors, and your just gullible enough to buy into it.

    But your ignorance and pride will never let you believe it. You want to keep being the fool, that’s your prerogative.

  • Cletus, you can say “fuck” on the Internet. Then again, I’m inclined to believe that given your lack of punctuation or correct spelling throughout your entire post, that maybe you think it’s actually spelled “fuk”.

    And God damn do I love the hypocrisy on “believing the narrative”. Sure, we listen to the advice of the medical community, but at least I’m not taking my medical advice from a bunch of 4chan incels and facebook-addicted, soccer moms. The “narrative” lmfao, bro your entire narrative was spoonfed to you by the internet you bottom feeder.

    What next mate? You wanna harp on about how vaccines are making people magnetic or the evil 5G?

  • Yeah. It’s bad. In case anyone can’t see the writing on the wall, they are going to give everyone vouchers so that they can afford to leave public schools and go to private schools and then gut them later.

    The vouchers will further tank public schools. Republicans will then be able to argue that public schools are failing, that attendance rates as abysmal, and they should shut down funding to them (and conservative voters will eat that shit up as their entire world view is based on sound bites they got from Fox News). I bet the voucher programs don’t last much longer after that once there is no alternative.

  • This is fucked. They are allowing your tax dollars to be used for Christian Fundamentalist Schools. All that fear mongering about “brainwashing” your kids with CRT and the LGBT-agenda in public schools that never existed, and the Republicans are literally trying to push a religious agenda down the throats of this citizens of this state.

    How long before girls are banned from the higher level STEM classes and instead required to take Home Ec and urged to be stay at home mothers and wives, you know, like Harrison Butker and his wife suggested?

    We are fucking backsliding as a society…

  • In 6-months, Israel has killed more than 34,000 Palestinians, and wounded more than 78,000.

    70% of those casualties are women and children.

    Israel has destroyed more than 221,000 housing units, leaving almost half the population homeless.

    Israel has decimated their civilian infrastructure, electricity, water, and sewage.

    Israel has destroyed 26 hospitals, killed more than 400 healthcare workers.

    Israel has destroyed every single University in Gaza, 56 different schools, and badly damaged hundreds more, leaving over half a million students without access to education.

    Israel has violated international law. It has blocked foreign aid to help these people, leaving them starving, sick, destitute, and dying…

    …and yet, it’s apparent that you believe that it’s okay for the IDF to do this. The fact that you even have the gall to comment on this either means that you’re so belligerently ignorant of the situation that you legitimately believe that the IDF is in the “right” here - in which case, you’re a reactionist, a weaponized pawn that merely gets angry at what they are told to be angry at (i.e. you are no better than a herded sheep)…or…this means that you legitimately think this is acceptable behaviors, and you exemplify the sickness in humanity that exists today. That wanton death and destruction is okay to you is frankly revolting, and the world will be a better place when you and people like you are gone from it.