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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • I use Lutris and set up my directories a “GameName” and then 2 subdirectories “game” “prefix” and point Lutris to these.

    All of the game files go in “game” and the prefix is created in “prefix” when I press play in Lutris. Any extras dlls that are needed can be installed with winetricks within Lutris to that specific prefix

    This way you can just compress and decompress “GameName” folder and point Lutris to these locations on whichever machine.

    You can choose which prefix version you want in Lutris and it will download that version for you. I’m pretty sure it saves the version to somewhere in ~.local/share/lutris I’m not at my PC now so not 100% sure of the path.

    It saves it to ~.local/share/lutris/runners/wine and you can put a custom wine build here and Lutris should recognise it when configuring the runner options

    So you could copy this over to the corresponding location on the deck and Lutris will automatically detect this version as installed and won’t have to download it again but its not necessary unless you don’t have internet on the deck, or you’re like me and want to keep an archive of the working prefix for the future in case the prefix version is no longer available for whatever reason and other version just won’t work.

    If you’re new to Lutris, I wrote a step by step guide on how I use Lutris on a different community


  • I have a Gigabyte B650 skew and I’m happy with it, I think the X670’s are overpriced for general use tbh and the 7800X3D was my first choice but it was way too expensive where I live so I got the 7900x. I’m not sure if its still a thing but when I was buying last year, it was recommended to go with 6000 or lower speeds for AMD CPUs for better stability so that should be fine for you.

    I’m in Europe so I can’t comment on value because its completely different over here and also Microcenter is auto blocking me anyway lol

    There was an issue with Over Current Protection on AM5 motherboards when EXPO is enabled that can cause the CPU (especially X3D) to die.

    GamersNexus has a few videos on it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kiTngvvD5dI&t=0

    So I would defintely recommend checking Asus’s website to see what firmware version they recommend using and upgrading to that before anything else.

  • Tl;dr Step by step how I setup lutris to run pirated games

    I use Lutris, its pretty easy to setup and is pretty much the same setup for most games.

    Install lutris wine and winetricks with your package manager. Wine is a windows compatibility layer for linux and winetricks is a helper for downloading and dependencies that a game might need and lutris integrates both of these.

    In the file manager, I like to create a folder with the name of the game and then inside of that folder I make 2 folders “game” and “prefix” I put all of the game files in the game folder and leave the prefix folder empty for now.

    When you open lutris, on the left, hover over wine and click on the little box icon to manage the wine versions. I recommend, wine-ge. Its a custom build/fork of Steams Proton that adds some extra stuff

    Once you have installed that, back on the main page at the top left is a + to add a new game. Select the bottom option, “Add locally installed game”. Give the game name and select “wine” as the runner from the dropdown.

    Then on the next tab, Game Options, select the games executable location, inside the “game” folder. Set the Working directory as the “game” folder. You can just copy the path that you put in the executable section and backspace until the folder called “game”.

    For wine prefix, copy the working directory path and replace “game” with “prefix” this is where all the wine/windows stuff will install.

    Set the Prefix architecture to 64-bit

    On the next tab, Runner Options, you can select the wine version you want to use. It should default to the wine-ge version you installed. At the top right press save and your game should be good to go. There are a whole bunch of other options you can play around with but for pretty much every game I’ve played I just leave them as default.

    This should be fine for most games but sometimes wine updates can break older games and so you may have to try older versions of wine-ge or different versions of wine like lutris-fshack or wine-staging. Or the game may need a special dependency that you need to install. This is why I set a separate prefix directory for each game.

    You can look at the logs for a game by selecting it and pressing the arrow beside the play button, this may or may not be helpful for trouble shooting.

    If you do need to install an additional dependency, select the game and press the arrow at the bottom right and select winetricks. “Select the default prefix” should be selected by default, press ok and at the top of the next screen you should see the path to the games prefix, then select the “Install a Windows DLL or component” Then you should have a list of packages you can install.

    If you’re using a repack that needs to be extracted, put the path to setup.exe as the executable on the Game Options tab and run through the installer, selecting the “game” folder that you created as the install location, it is probably under the Z drive. Then when you’re done installing, right click the game in lutris and press configure and then back to game options and replace the setup.exe path with the path to the games exe and save.

    There’s a whole bunch of other ways to do this, like bottles or just using system wine or adding the game as a non-steam game to Steam, I have a separate throwaway Steam account for this.

    I like the way lutris is laid out and I like having separate prefixes for each game because I archive the games I like and its nice to have a known working prefix in that archive for games I had issues running.

    • I think an animals life is more important than my taste buds. Animal agricultural is immoral, unsustainable and unnecessary. I don’t want to be a part of that and I want to have the least amount of impact on the world as I can while I’m here. Leave it the way you found it etc.
    • That depends, if they have the option not to then yeah. Killing when its not necessary is cruel. Hens eat their own eggs for nourishment, so there’s no need to rob them for no reason. Female mammals have to be impregnated before they’ll start lactating. Pregnancy can be very painful, uncomfortable and life threatening, ask any mother. You can’t treat another being ethically if their purpose is to allow you to either murder, rob or forcefully impregnate them.
    • Climate change impact. Taxes to subsidise private companies in the industry instead of going to healthcare, housing education etc. The mental health and working conditions of people working in slaughterhouses. Increased prevalence and risk of zoonotic diseases. Inflated land value and underdeveloped areas, probably more specific to my country. Biodiversity loss. Endangered species ending up as bycatch.
    • 6 years ago, I was reading a paper on climate change, where it talked about the impact of animal agriculture on the environment, then I watched some videos on animal agriculture and couldn’t make it through 20 minutes of Dominion, I switched over night
    • Constantly being asked do I miss meat etc. Basically no restaurants near me have vegan options, but tbh its such a good excuse to get out of going for dinner since I hate eating out lol
    • Eating meat is engrained into a lot of people and they have just never questioned it because “that’s just the way it is” so when they’re faced with a moral dilemma that goes against something that has become so normal to them, they get confused and feel guilty which causes a negative reaction. The realities of animal agriculture are an uncomfortable truth that people don’t want to think about and vegans are their reminder.

    Thanks for taking the time to ask about this stuff, its not easy to come into a space where you’re the odd one out and start a difficult discussion. Hopefully you see some stuff here that interests you so you can go read about it and who knows, maybe this might be your catalyst!

  • Are you seeding a lot of torrents?

    Something similar kept happening to me last year, constantly disconnecting no matter what I tried. I thought it was a gluetun issue so I stopped using docker and tried the official ProtonVPN app, openvpn, wireguard and community version of protonvpn, I tried switching from arch to ubuntu on my NAS and the same thing kept happening.

    I was convinced it was a hardware issue so I tried different hardware, same issues.

    The only thing that fixed it was reducing the number of torrents I had seeding. At the time I had ~500 and once I lowered it, I stopped disconnecting.

    Now I run 3 gluetun containers with 1 qbittorrent container connected to each and they each have ~400 torrents seeding and I haven’t had any issues since.