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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • If you wanna know chatgpts answer:

    Pros of Inflation:

    Debt Reduction: Inflation reduces the real value of debt, making it easier for borrowers to repay loans.

    Economic Stimulus: Mild inflation encourages spending and investment, stimulating economic activity.

    Adjustment Mechanism: Inflation allows for flexible adjustment of nominal wages and prices, promoting market efficiency.

    Monetary Policy Tool: Central banks use inflation targeting as a tool to manage economic conditions and achieve policy objectives.

    Cons of Inflation:

    Purchasing Power Erosion: Inflation erodes the purchasing power of money, reducing the standard of living for fixed-income individuals.

    Uncertainty: High or unpredictable inflation can create uncertainty, making long-term planning difficult for businesses and individuals.

    Distorted Investment: Inflation can lead to misallocation of resources and distorted investment decisions as investors chase higher returns to offset inflation.

    Income Inequality: Inflation can exacerbate income inequality if certain groups are not able to keep pace with rising prices.

    Potential Solutions:

    Inflation Targeting: Central banks can continue to use inflation targeting as a tool but aim for moderate and stable inflation rates to avoid the negative impacts of high or unpredictable inflation.

    Economic Education: Educating the public about inflation, its causes, effects, and management can help individuals and businesses make informed financial decisions.

    Income Support: Implementing policies such as targeted income support or indexed benefits can help mitigate the impact of inflation on vulnerable groups.

    Price Stability Measures: Governments can implement measures to promote price stability in essential goods and services, reducing the impact of inflation on basic necessities.

  • Yeah like I said, I think the person was being social and ignorant at the same time. The world is not black and white and I’m not saying they did bad. I just think a lazy question deserves a lazy answer.

    And YouTube actually has videos about this exact process. It’s not like I’m shitposting by pointing towards some abstract entity with no meaningful help or knowledge.

    Things said, no hate or anything from me ♥️ hope everyone finds what they looking for and people have more patience than me, with those preferring conversation over quick answers to their questions ;)

  • I get the social part, but to me it seemed that the person was not even trying to inform themselves about the basics a bit before engaging in a discussion. This way you’re just getting the same questions over and over again and the same answers.

    Out of respect I always at least try to get some info before asking people questions. This way both sides may profit because you might also be able to contribute new information they didn’t know about.

    And if you don’t wanna use YouTube you can still use Newpipe/Startpage e.g… it’s not impossible to find alternative means.