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  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • If they want more people to switch to EVs specifically, they absolutely need to try to make some changes if they can.

    Chargers: In a world where many people are living in old apartment buildings and condos, people are going to need public chargers. I don’t just mean enough for 20 people. If we want a big societal switch, we need to be able to assure people that they won’t encounter what happened in Texas recently. 60 chargers is still pretty rough if your city has half a million people in it.

    Cost: MANY people can only afford used vehicles. This is not only because of the up-front cost. Parts for repairs can become a massive factor when deciding what type of car to buy. Even if you can get a used car for 6K, you might not go for it if you know that certain important repairs will cost you up to 20K.

    Design: There are concerns for a lot of people with things being too screen-based. Some people like knobs that you can change without having to look away from the road. How many functions will be stuck behind a subscription? Will an update brick your car? Is it ok to tow normally, or will it sometimes require a special flatbed that most people can’t afford? Do we have the battery fire thing under full control yet?

    If every single car eventually becomes too expensive, driving will either become a “caste” thing, or people will put things together at home that might be even worse for the environment. Shoddy DIY repairs can also count for this.

  • It’s good for that person that they aren’t feeling the loneliness mentioned in the article, yes. The poster IS feeling that loneliness, though.

    Was it necessary for that person to say that in response to someone who is saying that they are having those bad thoughts and feelings? Probably not. Are they a bad person? Probably not.

    “I feel horribly lonely” “I don’t feel lonely. In fact, I loved the aspects of life that caused you to feel this way”

    (The above might be how it comes off to some people.)

    I mean, it’s good for everyone who doesn’t feel lonely, but that person feeling good still doesn’t really help people like the poster who do feel lonely.

    I don’t think the commenter is wrong necessarily, but it should almost be expected to get less than happy responses from the OP, especially with the context.

  • One of my coworkers struggles with this too, but maybe for different reasons.

    My coworker projects that he just wants a long term relationship. That’s fine and dandy on the surface, but hear me out for a second. Would you rather date someone who loves you specifically, or someone who just wants to be in a relationship? Would you rather be with someone who finds you amazing, or someone who is only dating you because other people their age are dating?

    This can also cause the person you’re interested in to be concerned about whether you are who you say you are. It may cause them to question if you did really fall for them, or if you’re playing the part to avoid being single. People who have experienced that will be more cautious dating anyone who just wants to be with someone.

    I’m not saying that’s the case for you, but I’ve seen it happen a lot. I think that’s also a part of what people mean when they tell you to focus on building yourself up, and to let love happen when it happens. Don’t be like my coworker.

    You are still very young, and you have a lifetime ahead of you. Don’t count yourself out yet.

  • My partner doesn’t use reddit and hasn’t used lemmy. She was permabanned despite not commenting or posting for about 6 months. The comments that were there were just asking questions about video games.

    No reason or explanation was given. The only recent behaviour was subscribing to a trans-supportive community. We figure that might have pissed off an admin somehow. That’s the only activity that she did during those 6 months. If either of us should have been banned, it should have been me, to be honest. We have different IPs, so there shouldn’t have been any confusion on who was who. My account stayed active, even though I admittedly wasn’t always friendly with people. Every account she made was also banned without reasoning.

    I initially stopped using it because I thought that was dumb, then a few months later the whole API thing happened.

    Best of luck to you, I hope you continue to have a better experience than we did lol.

  • To be honest, it might not hurt for them to do some of those tests anyways in some circumstances. Some people might go through their entire life without knowing that they have both types of internal reproductive organs. Hell, some people don’t know that a majority their organs are inversed from the normal positioning. (Uncommon but not unheard of.)

    Aside from that, I would argue that at the medical care level, it could/should be considered private medical information. Let’s say hypothetically that someone has severe PCOS. Having PCOS increases the risks for certain cancers, but it’s still unnecessary for anyone other than their doctor to know about it.

    If you’re in the emergency room, they’re probably going to be doing various tests on you if you have severe symptoms. If you have severe abdominal pain, you’re probably going to get an ultrasound. You’ll probably get bloodwork tests that look at various hormone levels. (Pregnancy and a certain testicular cancer share some of the same flags. Certain hormone levels can also indicate thyroid issues.)

    If someone goes to their doctor with complaints about their own reproductive system, I would hope that their doctor tests and treats them for that problem. Again, intersex people DO exist, so proper investigation should be a thing already. Even with CIS people, not everyone looks the same, and I think that it would be a shameful reason to let a person die.

  • I think that that bot might actually be preventing the AITA community from growing. Yeah, it’s easy enough to block the bot. I don’t disagree with that at all.

    The majority of new users may look at the community and see nothing but bot posts. I don’t know about you, but if all I see on a community are bot posts, I tend to skip that community. I don’t always care to go digging through numerous posts to see if it’s worth it to block a bot. Doubly so, if there is so much bot posting that the normal posts are practically hidden. A new user may just assume that the community is intended for bots and just skip it altogether.

    I don’t care about AITA anymore to be honest, but too many bot posts can definitely hinder the growth of a community. I think that would be true for many communities.

    Imo, it’s a touch worse when the community is based on personal stories. No one will really benefit from voting/discussing. Instead, you’re reading posts that someone else intended for another group on another website. There isn’t really a lot of “community” that you can get with that. Short story readers group, I guess? The actual OP certainly won’t get any of the input.