Former Redditor looking for something better.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I think we should actively keep track of Reddit restoring user’s content without people’s permission. Screenshots, timestamps, everything. Monitor it all.

    Maybe if Reddit go ahead with their API change whilst treating their users like such disposable crap, we could reach out to the EU to inform them of Reddit’s GDPR breaches. Maybe that’d lead to their new revenue from API charges disappearing into hefty EU fines.

    Update: Maybe there’s going to be some loophole about actually having to use the data deletion request via Reddit’s UI for there to be an actually GDPR breach though thinking about it. Going to ask around some Law friends for advise

  • Great explanation! Really well written and clearly explained. However…

    Forgive my bluntness, but people not into tech tend to be lazy and stupid about everything lol. I feel like they’d take one glance at that, think TOO MUCH TEXT, not read it properly and still complain about the Fediverse being confusing.

    Any kind of attempt at explaining the Fediverse seems to really confuse people, so IMO the best solution is to not even bring it up. Kinda dismiss it as no biggie, then sneak in a quick explanation at the end. Here’s my go:

    "If the word ‘Fediverse’ confuses or scares you, ignore it. Just join any Lemmy instance you like the look of. They all work more or less like Reddit. If you can’t find a community/subreddit you want on one, make it yourself.

    Or, alternatively, use this to see if one exists already. If it does, you can copy the community Lemmy address (it appears on the right in blue under the ‘create a post’ button in a form like ‘!’), search for it on your site’s search, then subscribe like you would any other subreddit.

    That cross-site subscribing is what the Fediverse is about - it’s a bunch of small, independent Reddit-ish clones cross-talking. But since they’re small, they’re struggling and slightly breaking with Reddit refugees at the moment. I’d recommend local communities only for now. Join the commuities you find via Feddit in maybe a few weeks or so once everything’s calmed down."

  • Calling people names for not joining a protest is polite?

    Please don’t start behaving like 4channers doing a raid. We’re better than that. Reddit are in the wrong, but DMing subreddit mods “join our protest” and calling them names before they can reply is definitely harassment-like behaviour. Don’t do that. It doesn’t help the cause, it just makes us look petty and immature.

    It’s obvious certain major subeddits are being ran by Reddit staff or staff associates, so of course they’re going to avoid a protest critical of their CEO out of fear and self-preservation. There is no point trying to convince the already decided.

    If you want to convince anyone, message the smaller subs that seem like they won’t be easily influenced by Reddit administrators. Give them detailed information. Whenever it comes to any kind of protest, communicating your issues respectfully is important or the other side won’t listen to your points. This protest will lose respect quickly if we start behaving like angry trolls.