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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • Anonymouse@lemmy.worldtoShowerthoughts@lemmy.world    .......
    3 months ago

    I feel like everyone’s missing the point. Even 20 minutes a week is almost a day a year of your life sitting at a charger. I fill up my gas tank once a week and it takes maybe 5 minutes which is 4 hours a year that I spend feeding my car, staring at the stupid advertisements for a bacon-egg-and-cheese cinnamon roll covered in maple syrup or whatever other impulse items lie within the gas station. 5 minutes isn’t enough to do anything whereas if I plan for 20 minutes, I’m going to go get a tea or something.

    On the other hand, something we can all agree is a waste of time is, “how many hours of your life have been/will be spent sitting at a traffic light?”

  • I have a similar story as your first point. It boils down to tucking away money with each financial gain. I put in enough to my 401k to get the full match, then with each raise, increase the amount invested by the raise. I’d already learned to spend within my limits and had no credit card debt, so each raise was “new money”. Years later, after adjusting our financials to pay for daycare, when the daycare expenses dropped (infants are most expensive, costs drop down as they age), we started putting into a college savings and some for school expenses. We had saved up enough to pay for private school, which was less than daycare. Now that private school is done, college is paid for, we’re paying down the mortgages. We locked in at 3% years ago. The house will be paid off when the kid graduates HS and we turn 55 and are eligible for the employer’s retirement program, including health care. We plan to travel in those years where we’re young enough to be healthy and old enough to have some money tucked away.

    Oh, we also did the same for cars. When the car was paid off, we’d put the same money into a separate bank account and when it was tome to look for a new car, we had almost enough to pay for it outright.

    Of course all of this can only happen when you have the skill to spend with your means.

  • I don’t think they’re being pointlessly pedantic. I’ve been around POS systems and some people call it by the letters, P.O.S. & others by the acronym, sounding like “pause”. Nobody assumes you’re talking about a Piece of Shit when you say “pause”. Also for OOO (“oooh”) vs O.O.O., which doesn’t roll off the tongue, but you don’t sound like Casper.

    Now, being pointlessly pedantic, I find it interesting to think that if we continue to use the word acronym for initialisms, then the word acronym will actually be initialisms! English is weird!

  • This isn’t what you’re really asking, but I have a bunch of stuff in the freezer that I can pull out when I’m sick, don’t have enough time to prepare a meal or am just exhausted from whatever.

    Making lasagne? Make 4, freeze 3. Mex night? I make 20 black bean burritoes at a time. Check out https://onceamonthmeals.com/ for inspiration. Less cooking, less dishes and less food waste. Go pro and pick up a food saver. I make 8 cups of rice and freeze it in a pint food saver bag. It’s winter where I live and I have “soup bags” in the freezer so I can take out veggies that were at their peak when they were frozen and put it in a crock pot so I can have summer fresh soup.

  • Video guides are nice, but I prefer Grog’s Knots. He even has an app for offline knot learning, say, when you’re deep in the woods and it’s raining hard and your tent’s rain cover blows off into the lake and you thankfully brought a tarp and rope but don’t know how to make one of those adjustable knots that you can just slip-tighten. You know, theoretically speaking.

    On a side note and completely unrelated, bring one of those big grout sponges when you go camping. In addition to mopping up all the water in your tent, it makes a nice pillow if your inflatable pillow decides to run away in the night in a storm and go swimming in the lake.

    TL;DR: I hate camping.