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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I don’t necessarily disagree that cats don’t have as much emotional depth as humans, but I also think you’re selling them a bit short on their ability to think abstractly or emotionally. And it of course varies from cat to cat. They can express fear, affection, curiosity, frustration, satisfaction, anxiety, depression, caution, anger, overstimulation, desire, boredom, jealousy and plenty of other emotions. If you pay attention to body language and their vocalizations/ lack of vocalization, you can interpret much of what’s going on in their heads. They’re very expressive creatures much of the time. I’m not really anthropomorphizing either. I do that, cause they’re cute little goofballs, but it’s a voluntary effort I put in when I want to fawn over them a little. It’s easy to notice when I’m anthropomorphizing them and when I’m observing their emotional state, as they’re usually separate from one another

  • What do you think of the fact that the GOP is responsible for the vast majority of overspending the US does? They consistently drive up the national deficit every time they’re in a position to do so. They deregulate and remove the teeth from federal agencies, bitch about how ineffective the government is at dealing with things, deregulate more, cut taxes for the wealthy, drive up taxes for the poor and middle class, and then shovel our money into the Pentagon. If you were actually compelled by small government and less spending, you’d be voting democrat every time. They’re the only ones that actually reduce spending on a federal level

  • Toxic epidermal necrolysis is a severe form of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome. It’s a life threatening skin reaction that’s thought to be caused by an immune response to certain medications. The medications known to trigger TEN range from ibuprofen, certain antibiotics (penicillin being one), anticonvulsants, and steroids. We aren’t sure what exactly causes it or how to stop it. One day you’re taking something for your headache, a few days later you start getting painful red splotches on your skin. Once the first ones show up, they spread, often across your entire body. The redness grows and gets more painful, blisters form, and then your skin starts falling off! Everywhere! The only level of care at this point is to treat you like a severe burn patient, because that’s essentially what you are. With large swathes of skin completely gone from your body, the only recourse is skin grafts and management of symptoms. Infections are common during the healing process and the prognosis isn’t great. If it progresses into TEN, the odds of survival are about 50%. But don’t worry, it’s so rare and triggered by so many different medications it’s pointless to try to avoid it. If the good Lord decides to kill you with it, there’s nothing you can do about it!

  • Well said. I’d managed to quit from cigarettes using a salt nic vape. It was a bit involved though. I learned how to make my own e-juice and properly dose nicotine (very important!). I titrated my dose down gradually over about 6 months until I was off nicotine. And then kicked the oral fixation by making a conscious effort to vape less. It worked alright for me. I wound up picking up the habit again a couple of years later after going through an extended period of shit just going wrong. Trouble is, I can’t do what I did last time because you can no longer order concentrated nicotine through the mail anymore. At least in the US