Among other things, i do feel like this is THE DUMBEST idea in that book (i cant recall the name atm). How does making the lights go out start a massive race war? Like have these people ever had their power go out for a few hours?
Among other things, i do feel like this is THE DUMBEST idea in that book (i cant recall the name atm). How does making the lights go out start a massive race war? Like have these people ever had their power go out for a few hours?
I cant find anything about 3k fired ATCs
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Must be white, he was given the option to lower his weapon
Not sure this is the standard, took then 3 or 4 tries to do it
Ive been telling people I identify as the culture I grew up in. Im South West US. I never touched Europe, why should I tell people Im German? Or Polish? Or whatever
Im going to guess youre not from the US? Heres a Time Zone map with the States listed.
I got my own groupings of time zones a little twisted in my head, I didnt think New Mexico was Mountain Time. Regardless, Arizona and Hawaii dont follow DST. Shifting all the US states by 30 minutes for an arbitrary reason doesnt solve anything really and kind of just fucks with global time standards.
I understand what you mean, BUT I live in AZ and Im not going to have AZ be both 30 minutes ahead of Cali, 30 minutes behind Utah, and an hour and 30 behind New Mexico. No, you all either fall in line with how time is supposed to work or you can keep doing your shitty Daylight Savings bullshit
They may look odd but the drivers love them miles above the current vehicles and they were built with safety in mind first. So yes, they look like that on purpose
Originally, yes, but this judge decided no
No, they had a lesser bid with the Sandy Hook victims taking lesser settlements to push up the value of TheOnions bid
I love reading and listening to the work Robert Evans puts out. Always a nuanced take with in depth analysis, backed by reputable (or multiple) works. Born to the right, grew up into an Anarchist.
How about we keep “Great” and change Depression to Devastation?
My brother has stated the act of illegally crossing the border makes you a criminal, therefore youre a felon. While in essence true, that line of thinking brings out the worst of what “conservatism” has, lack of empathy for others
I feel pike the automotive industry was the main culprit for that
A lot of mail on votes are being received this week, so it may be until next week or the week after til mail in votes are received back to the USPS
The Jackbox Party Packs are good for groups up to 8. Sometimes 10, sometimes 6, its game to game dependant.
“Werewolf” type games can be expanded to larger groups, its a social deduction and bluffing game where players are slowly eliminated and in turn vote out other players they deem the hidden enemy
Ive made Tepache a few times and have loved it each time. Biggest mistake I (keep) making is I dont let it dit long enough, 5 days should be the earliest time to bottle.
Except for nonwhite skins, like black people and jesus, for example