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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I’m planning on continuing with win10/Linux dualboot until I save up enough for a full PC upgrade, then it’ll be just Linux with a Windows 10 VM if absolutely needed. I have to use win11 for work and it’s absolutely awful. Alt tabbing gets stuck all the time, if I have more than one window open on a shortcut, pressing super+number gets stuck in the little preview window with nothing selectable. Can’t move the task bar to the top of the screen, it constantly freezes when logging back in. Just poop all around

  • I’m personally all for it. I’ve never used tiktok before and never plan to, but I can see the negative impact it has on my peers. I can’t hang out with my friends without it turning into them just showing their favorite clips to each other. It’s just bad for people and relies of maxing out the happy brain chemical thing to keep people there. It’s like penny slots at the casino. There’s also the data harvesting for the Chinese government through tencent (who is also very heavily involved with epic games and reddit to name a couple others). If I’m remembering right, when the “head” of tiktok was testifying before Congress, he outright said he’s doing nothing different from Facebook or Twitter, and he’s right.

  • Short answers work best. "oh hey do you have any plans this weekend? “Yes.” Conversation over. Someone asks you how you are, your answer is “fine, thank you” and you move along. You’re polite and you’ve satisfied all they’ve given you. It won’t work all the time, there are some people who are more interested in talking at you instead of with you. For those, I recommend starting the conversation with an exit. “Oh hey, I’d love to chat, but I only have a couple minutes.” You can now walk away pretty much whenever and it’s not like you didn’t tell them, it was the first thing you said.

  • It’s definitely a very well made desktop environment. It’s what I started with back in 06-08 when I started using Ubuntu. Ubuntu has a pretty well built mate flavor, as does Linux mint. The Ubuntu mate flavor is a great one to see what’s functionally possible with mate. There’s a bunch of preconfigured set ups matching various other operating systems and some unique configurations. On my main PC, I’m running garuda xfce, but with bspwm as the window manager. For my laptop, I’m running pretty much the same set up, but with Linux mint Debian edition in xfce/bspwm as well. Your set up is still rad though, I really dig it!

  • It’ll take some time, but the more you do it, the more comfortable it gets. At first it’s going to feel kind of cringey. That feeling fades with time. Just gotta keep in mind that you’re writing for you, not for anyone else. Also jrnl is available through the aur and GitHub. I don’t currently run anything other than garuda so I can’t speak for how available it is on Debian/fedora/etc

  • I hope it works out for you! If you’re Linux based, I recommend jrnl. It’s a lightweight terminal tool that handles logging and accessing your journal entries and has an encryption option built in. Through the config, you can use whatever text editor you want. I’m using vim because I hate myself!

    As for the experience, it really takes some time to get used to. When I first started, I found myself “faking it” for lack of a better word. I wasn’t actually writing what I was feeling, I was writing what I’d want someone else to read if they found it. After a while, that became less of the norm and I started treating it like a pen pal that I never heard back from. It lets me kind of put things into perspective and really dig into why I think I’m feeling what I’m feeling. Writing that you’re mad won’t make you not mad. Writing what made you mad, why you think it bothers you, etc. Won’t really make you not mad. The latter helps you understand what’s going on better and then you can work on regulating yourself from there

  • I do. Not as often as I’d like sometimes. I treat it like I’m writing a letter to someone who doesn’t exist. It helps me vent whatever I’ve been struggling with, or take some pride in the things that have gone right for me. I feel weird talking about stuff like that with friends and family, so this gives me an empty void to talk into without worry of judgement. I started doing it a while ago after going through some therapy and it’s been the one thing that’s actually helped post-therapy. My journal lives in a Linux partition on my main PC through an encrypted file that has a different password than any I use elsewhere. No one that has access to that computer can navigate how I have Linux set up, nor would they know how to go through the terminal to decrypt the file. These protections are in place to ensure that no one sees anything they shouldn’t. If you do journal, I recommend taking similar precautions, but I’m also not mentally well and paranoid to boot, so grain of salt and all that

  • Sorry for the late reply, sync doesn’t seem to be handling reply notifications very well at the moment. In theory, you could power this display through something like an Arduino. For something like this, you’ll want to use the driver board to control the display. The data sheet goes into a lot of detail about how the display works using the serial input and explains a good bit how the signal would be interpreted. The hard part is going to be handling the translation between what you want displayed and what the display needs to receive to show it. That’s where your homeworks going to be. I’m more of an old school hobbyist who never graduated to microcontrollers. The Arduino is going to handle the translation for you, but I don’t know enough arduino-fu to be helpful there. I’d recommend looking into using an Arduino with similar displays to see how other people do it, and then ruthlessly cannibalizing their code to fit with your needs.

    If you have any other questions along the way, feel free to send a message my way. I can’t guarantee I’ll have the answer, but I’m happy to lend my experience where applicable. Best of luck to you bud!