Unfounded means it isn’t usually. It means there is no correlation. It’s not usually.
Unfounded means it isn’t usually. It means there is no correlation. It’s not usually.
But the person didn’t say he remembered nothing. He said half the time he didn’t remember what friends talked about. Another person said they were fuzzy on their childhood.
You told both that wasn’t normal and suggested childhood trama. Being slightly to one side of a normal distribution curve doesn’t mean anything.
Being able to remember everything from your past is extremely rare.
You would forget most everything. Even big events would become fuzzy. Do you remember what you had for lunch on this date when you were 5?
“Well I read in a book that I was there. I can’t actually remember more than a few hundred years back.”
Ashildr from Doctor Who was brilliant.
Origin of Purple Klingons.
1850 years with the ring and accomplished nothing? What did he expect to be different? The ring didn’t work. Try something new.
In real world software systems, you need to handle monitoring and alerting.
That’s one example of your particular programming job. Many real world software systems do not require handling monitoring and alerting especially not using statistics, rolling averages, etc.
For example, I once wrote the encryption code used on smart card chips. Writing statistics for smart card card transactions would be someone else’s job. Same with the modem code I wrote for a product.
Does it matter on an iPhone? Unless something changed, Apple only allows reskins of Safari.
There are eink phones.
I’m an idiot. I looked at only the large text and completely missed the small text.
Ok, I’ve read it many times, took a break read it again and still don’t get it.
People complained that a few things were hard to find, but not that the control panel itself was convoluted.
If you are bothered by those complaints, try Arch.
Starting off with an insult, nice.
“claimed” ??? As if I’m making up a story because I’m being paid by Sam Altman?
“Trusting their future to hallucinating”
My sales support engineering friend of course didn’t just copy whatever chatgpt wrote. He proofread it and fixed it. It still saved hours over starting from nothing and then still needing to proofread.
I’m not sure what you are trying to get out of AI? Therapy?
I used it to help write an Excel script for my wife because I didn’t want to learn VBScript. It worked amazingly. I’ve talked to other programmers who have done the same. Another friend won a multi million dollar contract with a bid where chatgpt filled in all the boilerplate saving him hours of work.
AI is a time saver like a pocket calculator. It’s not going to think for you. But the productivity gains are real.
That’s not unpopular, it’s wrong. Movies are criticized when the characters are one dimensional and lack moral nuance.
SeaWorld I understand but why Disney?
Is there a documentary about mouse abuse? Unlike SeaWorld, Disney World seems a large enough environment for a human sized mouse to thrive.
Doubt. I would expect Apples to have been more like crab apples which are very bitter. Raw potatoes are neutral.
I had a science book as a kids which had sensory experiments. You get a potato slice and apple slice, hold your nose and try both.
They taste the same if you can’t smell.
Which means not usually.
That it could be caused doesn’t mean it is usually caused.