I write ̶b̶u̶g̶s̶ features, show off my adorable standard issue cat, and give a shit about people and stuff. I’m also @CoderKat.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Some degree, I think is imported from the US. Let’s be honest, US news dominates our internet more than Canadian news. I have to go out of my way on sites like this (or formerly reddit) to see Canadian news. I would actually say I am more familiar with American politics than I am Canadian politics (which isn’t to say I’m unfamiliar with Canadian politics, but rather that I’m really familiar with American politics despite not being American). That means the current US culture war, which is very heavily attacking trans people and anything gender non conforming, is being a heavy influence on Canadians right now.

    But that’s only “some degree”. We aren’t blameless. While it’s nice that we have a PM that has a mostly pretty great on gender matters (no matter your opinion on Trudeau for his other faults, I think we can all agree he’s very progressive on LGBT+ topics), that only goes so far. Canadian news media often leans right (and we’re currently seeing a risk of the Toronto Star being acquired by a right leaning US media company). Pierre Poilievre has been stoking these alt right flames. And now we have a bill that is going to see more people using US media because Canadian media won’t be found on Google search. And that’s because of our own, badly written bill (it should have been written just so that sites couldn’t copy/summarize most of the story without sending clicks to the original site, but for whatever reason they instead wrote it as requiring payment to link to news at all!).

  • Naw, I still use Google. With an ad blocker, I find it to provide the best results by far (though the ad blocker is important, because they get misleading ads sometimes). It’s superior when searching for descriptions (e.g., you can’t remember a movie title and have to describe it) and local results. Plus I use Maps heavily (it’s superior to its competitors) and that integrates into Google.

    I just frankly don’t care that much about tracking my searches or the likes. I see it as the cost of getting a quality product for free. The only reason I even have the ad blocker is frankly because their ads are terrible. They don’t do enough to curate their ads, so scams sometimes slip in. I also think it’s very scummy that you can search, e.g., “pizza hut” and get an ad for Dominos above the Pizza Hut result.

  • If your employees (even if they work without payment) dont follow your instructions you search for someone who does follow them.

    If they work without payment, they’re not your employees. And reddit isn’t a registered charity either.

    It is their site so they can technically do what they want, but it makes them assholes and is not “ok” as you put it.

  • I don’t follow what you’re saying. I love the shit out of many of my smaller communities. Reading TV subs after a new episode dropped was my favourite (and required a lot of active people). I wanted to discuss the Horizon DLC when I beat it the other day, but the Horizon sub here is super tiny. I tried to post on a generic gaming sub instead and did not get the discussion I wanted.

    Similarly, Pokemon Go subs on Reddit were super detailed places to discuss the game, including with detailed analysis of any change, data mining for upcoming stuff, etc. Here, there’s two subs that have just the sub creator trying to populate the sub. No actual discussion.

    It sucks and I miss those kinda communities.

  • The whole CSAM issue is why I’d never personally run an instance, nor any other kind of server that allows users to upload content. It’s an issue I have no desire to have to deal with moderating nor the legal risks of the content even existing on a server I control.

    While I’d like to hope that law enforcement would be reasonable and understand “oh, you’re just some small time host, just delete that stuff and you’re good”, my opinion on law enforcement is in the gutter. I wouldn’t trust law enforcement not to throw the book at me if someone did upload illegal content (or if I didn’t handle it correctly). Safest to let someone else deal with that risk.

    And even if you can win some case in court, just having to go to court can be ludicrously expensive and risk high impact negative press.

  • The how to subscribe to a magazine guide sadly won’t work if you’re the first to subscribe to it within kbin. Unfortunately, the guide to doing so might scare people away. You have to search @magazine.domain in the search (not the magazine search!).

    Some of these things really highlight changes that need to be made. Like my above example. It’s bad that there’s two ways to subscribe to a magazine (one being completely unintuitive). It’s bad that the whole thread vs post thing is so confusing. It’s bad that we call something magazines while most of our content, which comes from Lemmy, calls them communities (and also has syntax for linking to them that doesn’t work for us).