• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • I really don’t like killing players, and when I am a player, I really don’t like having my pc killed. That being said, I like the idea of player killing, because then it ups the stakes (theoretically. I’ve never played in a permadeath campaign). Parties would have to think twice about taking on a more powerful foe, or consider running away as a very real option to avoid death, or reconsider doing absolutely stupid shit that will get them arrested and executed. It (again, theoretically) makes the game more realistic in a sense?

    But then you’re playing it, and your character you wrote a 3 page backstory for dies because of bad rolls or shitty combat balancing, and now you’re pissed because you really liked playing that character, but the dm isn’t going to rewind time and the party has no way to resurrect the character or at least preserve the body until they do have the means. Or you’re on the other side of this as a DM, and watching a good player get pissed off and quit the table because of it.

  • I’m concerned you seem to imply here that we require some abstract deity to determine what our moral guidelines should be. Take the following hypothetical: if it was proven tomorrow beyond any reasonable doubt that no deity exists or has ever existed and all religious texts were hogwash written by crazed lunatics, would it be ok then to go out and do whatever you felt like, whether that was murder, robbery, or something else?

    In other words, is it solely a belief in a deity that is keeping you from going out and committing extremely immoral acts?

    To answer your question though, you would use philosophy, of which science and statistics play a role, and common sense. It doesn’t take a genius philosopher to figure out that maybe we shouldn’t randomly kill other people.