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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Or conversely, a Christian apologist coming to an atheist community and saying “if god isn’t real why do good things” as if declaring you are a poorly educated sociopath is a good way to challenge people’s well formed ideas.

    I’ve spent quite a bit of time trying to explain to some people why “woke leftists” are so quick to shut them up that they feel like they aren’t given a right to speak their minds. “Woke” ideas are generally more developed and complex than “common sense” ideas, which requires some thought being put into them while they evolve from basic to their current level, so when you challenge a person’s developed idea with a superficial, usually knee jerk level question or critique, you’re most likely engaging in a line of thinking they were done with quite early in their evolution of the idea you’re trying to challenge.

  • We want to discuss topics. This is a place to do that.

    Simple need, simple solution.

    You don’t need an extra incentive to make people talk about things if people talking about things is the thing you want. You don’t want to incentivize people who don’t want to talk about things to be active somewhere you want people to talk about things because then those people will start doing the thing your’e incentivizing them for instead of talk about things.

    I personally only want people who want to talk about things here, and don’t want people who don’t want to talk about things.

  • I just preemptively blocked the community for my account. I’d recommend everyone do the same until, and if they prove to be a problem.
    I think instead of calling for pre-blocks or defederation of entire instances, we have to be vigilant and keep a close eye on the discussions going on around us.

    I’m saying this not because I’m an “enlightened centrist” living in a delusion of tolerance or a fascist in disguise. I am as left leaning, antifascist, and antiauthoritarian as they get. I’m just saying this as I know from experience that there’s no real way to eliminate people with bigoted views from our communities other than on an individual basis.

    Ban an entire instance, you’ll still have to block the individuals if they come one by one to stir shit up on your turf. Just skip the first part and go for the individual communities and users. They will simply find each other and form groups, as instances or otherwise anyway.

    I know it’s not ideal, but there’s no real way to prevent these fascist groups from forming anywhere there’s a large enough number of people. We can only block our own interaction with them and form counter groups, and actively fight against their bigotry.

    I believe this is the sad truth we all have to live with, at least for the time being, because I can’t see defederation as an effective tool.

  • The problem here isn’t talking to Meta or Meta making a federated platform.

    Nobody can prevent Meta from doing that anyway.

    The problem is the need to push against the insistence of Meta to keep these meetings off the record. It’s against the entire philosophy of something like not only fediverse but FOSS in general.

    If Meta wants good faith, they have to show it first.

    Notice that in the email, Kev gives his guidance as to the matter. Do whatever the fuck you want as long as you put people first and make a product for the purpose of serving them.

    This should be the attitude everyone should have first.

    We will accept you as long as you’re bringing value to us, not the other way round, got that Meta?

    As long as any dev is taking this approach, Meta included, I’m supporting them. If someone is secretive about their intentions about a public service which is not a for profit endeavor inherently, I’ll have a hard pass too.