• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Actually the level of ignorance is easy to express, if you’re William Faulkner. There are vast swaths of humanity that are dumb as fucking rocks. It’s not polite to talk about but as someone involved in education admin, there are these kinds of parents EVERYWHERE. I’ve literally sat in disciplinary appeals where the parents try to explain that their child HAD to have a concealed dagger for protection. In a k-12 school with 400 kids total, no school resource officers/popo, no fights, highly involved parents, etc. Um, no, your child is expelled and I’m slightly terrified that they’ll shoot us up when they turn 20 and start going schizto.

  • I’m usually the last person to suggest ANY kind of religious organization for support, but if you are living in a liberal city, you might want to get connected with a United Church of Christ congregation (after doing your due diligence to make sure you see rainbows everywhere). I am not religious, but for reasons I went to one in Durham, and there was definitely a culture of helping out LGBTQ+ folks, everything from providing housing and social support for homeless queer youth rejected by their families and folks in situations quite similar to your own. The one I went to had a lesbian pastor and a transman pastor in training. Again, I am atheist as fuck but these were good people that were doing excellent work with no Jesus strings attached, a lot of whom weren’t even religious but just liked the community. It sounds like you don’t just need money, you also need some compassion and care. They could help with all three. Just know that there are people like me who hear you and want to help get you back on your feet, okay?

  • Yes - everyone has been bitten by the politeness bug. As a Yankee stuck down here for the foreseeable future, I am sick and tired of the slowness. Slow to get to the point, slow to respond, and a response that is so genteel that I have to parse what they said to understand what they really mean – for fuck’s sake, just speak your mind instead of blessing people’s heart.

  • Not to mention the fire ants, aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus mosquitoes that stray far from water and will bite you in the high noon summer sun, Lone Star ticks that bite you and make you deathly allergic to consuming mammal and increase your risk of stroke dramatically if you continue to even eat dairy, and slow drivers in the passing lane that perversely makes the rightmost lane better suited for actually passing folks. Where high humidity makes 74 degrees feel like a sauna so I’m sweating just trying to get my kid in the car.