Just an Aussie tech guy - home automation, ESP gadgets, networking. Also love my camping and 4WDing.

Be a good motherfucker. Peace.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • Jimmy Diresta. I’m a huge fan of makers, and the maker movement in general, and there was a time I just couldn’t wait for Jimmy’s next video.

    Lately, I’ve come to feel that he no longer lets his work speak for itself. His videos used to just be really well made time lapses of him making a thing. But, for the past couple of years now, he feels the need to narrate just about everything. And there’s the faintest whiff of semi-arrogant self promotion about it, which just puts me off every time.

    Don’t get me wrong. Talking through the making process is 100% OK with me. I watch plenty of makers that talk through their videos (Pask Makes, Wesley Treat, etc) but something has changed in Jimmy’s style, and I just don’t like him any more.

    Shame. Arguably, Jimmy is the one that (re)ignited the movement’s popularity on the internet, but it just kinda feels he’s let it go to his head somehow.

  • Have seen both sides of the fence on this.

    Met my first wife when I was in my 20s, she was a bit older, already divorced with kids. We were together for over 10 years, and one of her sons lived with us off and on during his teenage years. We enjoyed all the benefits of a childless existence - disposable income, freedom to do whatever we wanted evenings/weekends, etc, etc.

    Eventually our marriage broke down. The reasons for it are entirely unrelated to us not having kids, but we were definitely not destined to be together for the rest of our lives.

    About a year or so later I met an incredible woman, and I truly learned what it meant to have a soulmate. We were awesome together. She already had two young kids - 6yo and 9yo - and, a year or so later again, we had our own baby girl. We married a couple of years after that.

    We now have a family that includes an amazing 21yo woman, a fabulous 18yo fella, and a beautiful 10yo daughter. My life is complete and I can’t imagine it without any of them in it.

    When you know, you know.

  • Nice one. This statement in particular sums it up nicely:

    Jung did not see the type preferences (such as introversion and extraversion) as dualistic, but rather as tendencies: both are innate and have the potential to balance.

    I remember reading elsewhere that it’d be like drawing a line down the middle of a table of people’s heights, so that those who were 5 feet 10 inches and under would be the “shorts” and those 5 feet 11 inches and taller would be the “talls”.