• 2 Posts
Joined 21 days ago
Cake day: August 28th, 2024


  • You’re 100% wrong here man, sorry to tell you.

    I’m here if for any reason other than venting because I want to hear a reason I haven’t considered that indicates she’s NOT doing what I thought.

    Cheating is actually the last place I went to. We called everyone who conceivably could have left it there to try and see who was missing a nice brand new surge protector.

    But I’m glad you have my entire psychological being figured out down to the core based on one post lol. Also I didn’t make 3 separate posts, I made the first one zonked from a muscle relaxant, edited it once, then just deleted and reposted because I made so many mistakes on the first one.

    Sorry man but you’re projecting your own previous experience here or something, IDK.

    Even though I didn’t find the logical explanation I was looking for, I still decided to accept that some things just cannot be explained and moved on.

    Great guesswork though!

  • I agree with you on every level. And I promise, I have moved past it the best I can. It hurts to think about, obviously, when I do think about it. Of course. But I have forgiven her for what she did. She earned it.

    However I am by nature a realist. I know this is just a power strip. I mean come on, right?

    But perhaps if you understood where I’m coming from in regards to the fact that there is literally zero logical explanation for it being in her car when it wasn’t 2 days previously.

    That’s what’s giving me the hard time.

    Over the years since her past transgressions, I’ve had many situations arise where doubt entered the equation and I was forced to look long and hard at both the facts and myself. I moved past/worked through each and every in such scenario.

    But after racking my brains, I cannot for the life of me figure out how this could have made it into her vehicle from one day to the next.

    I don’t know what anyone on the internet can tell me.

    Rather, I do know: nothing.

    I don’t know what I hoped to gain from any comments that might arise. I just needed to vent perhaps.

    Thank you, for both your comments and your perspective. Have a good one!

  • Fair enough. It’s just hard because the previous time I found out about the cheating, it was completely by chance. It actually scared me how good she was at hiding it and she didn’t come off of any details until I found out the truth myself. And even then she trickled truthed. I still don’t know if I know the full story from the last time.

    So if I let this go completely which I agree part of me wants to, and something did happen, chances are I’ll never find out.

    That’s where I’m having my difficult time

  • I really wasn’t. I didn’t lead with the whole oh that’s weird part. In fact she led with the weird where did it come from part. We sat down together called family members and tried to figure out where it came from. It seemed like she was trying really hard to show how confused she was.

    Once everyone from both sides of our family said they had no f****** clue where it came from, that’s when I said that’s weird. It’s almost like it just appeared out of thin air.

    I reacted calmly this entire time. But then she just went full defensive mode.

    I also as I mentioned to a different commenter, found out that she cheated once before in our relationship. That was about a 4-week ordeal between the time she cheated and the time I found out. Any conversations about weird activity back then were met with instant defensivism and darvoing.

    That’s what this felt like.