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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: November 30th, 2023


  • No, the automation technology gives them that power, ubi is a consequence of it. The more productivity per worker a company can achieve, the fewer employees they need.

    You really think as technology advances and companies implement more and more of it, that companies only end up with more leverage if the local government is doing UBI?

    UBI is welfare product that helps low bracket earners. If the tax code was functional it would be paid for by the corporations and 1% themselves and even so it’s still extremely helpful where it’s implemented.

  • Right, it’s part of what leaves me in such awe. What lies beyond? It seems nonsensical to us because we are defined by the gameboard we play on. The concept of the table it’s sitting on makes no sense. How could we ever hope to detect or understand something like that, something that exists beyond our space time, with no ability to build instruments in anything above 3 dimensions plus time.

  • That’s not really considering existence that deeply though. Nothing has to be something. Gravity and radiation are transmitted through the void of particle-less space. If nothing were truly nothing in an absolute sense…that couldn’t be possible. Something permits information to pass from point to point through interstellar space where there are on average 100 particles per cubic meter.

    What did the universe explode into during the big bang and expansion?? Nothing is actually really weird.

    I recommend all of the videos on history of the universe on YouTube

  • So I was supposed to be all lefty but my hand got fucked up as a baby with an infection so in the formative months I had to do stuff right handed.

    So everything that’s foot based I do left, or goofy foot where appropriate, and hand stuff is all right handed.

    My left hand is fine now and I can throw better with my left hand than most right handed people can tho so that’s nice.

    Left hand writing is still shit tho

  • That’s not his point, his point is you have to allow some bullshit to prevent violence against innocent people like judge’s daughters. This “above all reproach” strategy by the judges and prosecutors working against trump means that when he’s finally dealt a verdict there’s nothing anyone can say about the people involved and the proceedings. They literally went soft as fuck on him and he still got convicted, ideally.

    I’m not sure I personally believe that is the best strategy because it makes the system look weak to the people it’s supposed to be trying and makes maga base look like it has Mafia like power. That’s fucking silly to give them that de facto legitimatcy imo but I can see where they are coming from.

    I think that nutting up and just throwing him in jail for contempt until his trials are over would be the better course. Let them maggots whine and piss and moan and throw them in jail when they protest too hard and try to bust him out of jail.

    There is an entire power dynamic at play here between the “high road” people who won’t “stoop to that level” getting continually fucked by the ones who break the rules and never go to jail over it. They have an entire playbook of shit Dems won’t do because they know their base will still vote for them even if they are publicly shit heads, hell that’s even more of a reason to vote for them to the most far right extremists.

    Why don’t Dems pack the courts? Why don’t Dems throw him in jail for contempt? Why don’t Dems move quicker in the literal treason case over selling state secrets? They need to play hardball and they won’t do it. They won’t get dirty and fight back.