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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: May 23rd, 2024

  • Hospitals won’t accept paid blood transfusions, but there are two paid markets for what they CALL donations but are sales.

    If this person was talking about paid transfusions there’s a subset of parasite that literally just pays young people for elective red cell transfusions. This was actually a plot point in Silicon Valley and it wasn’t a bad depiction of the relationship. Basically, it makes the recipient feel a little more energetic because that’s literally how blood transfusions work, but these old leeches think there’s something special about it

    The other is just paid plasma. It’s got a lot of use in industry but regular apheresis is both time consuming and much more risky than they pretend, so they have to offer financial incentives. This blood (plasma) is NOT transfused directly, it is used in various industries for anything from hemophilia treatments to makeup.

    Direct transfusions have a higher risk to the recipient so accepting paid transfusions is just not worth it if you have any choice at all, and the nature of paid plasma products demonstrates quite readily why it’s an unacceptable risk, even with improved testing. Hemophiliacs were actually the highest risk group during the AIDs crisis by 3x the rate of gay men. You simply cannot trust people to be safe with other people’s health when money is involved.

    Don’t think too much about the implications for for-profit healthcare as a whole.

  • Just a note for people who don’t know:

    Not only did the Italian Fascists not make the trains run on time, the German Autobahn was created and planned out by the Weimar Republic, and the Spanish Miracle was the liberal nations investing in Spain to fix all the damage caused by the civil war the fascists started and invented several war crimes in (a bribery scheme so Franco would stop still doing war crimes after he was forced to admit autarky is a moronic idea).

    So whenever someone drops that “trains running on time” argument seriously and not to mock conservative idiots, feel free to hit them in the head with a brick.

  • When it’s to attack a foreign nation that’s not even threatening you, for sure. Definitely a weapon of the capitalist class against both their own people and other capitalists.

    But when you’re being attacked?

    I don’t have a problem with, for random example, the Soviet Union drafting millions of people to beat the Nazis. Or America. Or Britain. Just the aggressors in a war are committing enslavement, the defenders can at least be argued to being entitled to a collectivised defense.

    I’d say even Mao drafting people for the Civil War didn’t count (all people living under capitalism being understood to be being attacked and the KMT being genocidal corrupt warlords regardless who started the first period of the war in the first place)