just a triple a threat (agender, asexual, aromantic) doin’ their best.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023

  • I didn’t particularly like the layout styling in Pop!_OS and being so new to linux, I didn’t know how much I could change aesthetics wise. KDE looks more appealing to me, I don’t know if it’s because it looks like windows, but that might be a factor? it’s the default on the distro I wanna give a try (Bazzite) which also has nudged me in that direction.

    I wasn’t expecting so many people to have used Debian for things other than servers. I have it on a server myself, but I decided I needed something more set up for gaming already on my desktop. what led you to Debian specifically? the stability?

  • this is actually what I’m going to be giving a go! I have very little experience (I have servers that run Debian and DietPi, but I get help with those) with linux but I’m really excited to give the KDE version a try. and I’ve been trying to learn, too, because also my partner is going to be moving to a dual boot setup as well. been watching a lot of videos and reading a lot too, especially while my desktop is out of commission.

    do you find that anything is missing in Bazzite for you?

  • ayyy 30+ year old club.

    I’ve started to get better about eating things that are better for me, but it’s been a struggle due to texture issues. and I definitely relate on minimizing stress being easier in some cases and harder in others.

    I have a really hard time with radical rest (that’s the first time I’ve seen it called that, too) both because it’s boring and because I feel like I have to keep doing something (anything) to feel like my day was productive. it clashes a lot with the times I can’t get myself to function.

  • I’m here, and I both relate and hear you.

    lately I’ve taken to trying to get sun. I can’t handle the over-stimulation of my house with my light on, so I turn it off and open a window instead. it’s really helped me, even though it’s a small thing. my desk is by my window, so that probably contributes.

    I’ve been trying to work on taking walks too. I have four dogs (not by choice, although I love them all, my situation means that my two dogs are now living with two others) in the house, so sometimes they come with me, but I try to spend some time alone. occasionally I listen to podcasts but mostly music. I tend to avoid my thoughts via escapism, which I indulge a little too much in, admittedly. but it’s a coping skill I’ve always had and am not willing to give up.

    I guess my point is I wanted to share, not to brag, but to show that taking small steps (sorry for the pun), for me, has helped. it’s not always going to help, and I can’t always try, but right now things are okay and I’m going to take that. it’s also been helping me to use a therapy skill, basically just naming one good thing that happened that day. if you can share it with someone, even better.

    what have you done to cope in the past? if you don’t mind me asking. I’m sorry if this comes off as too much.

  • I think one other thing (as many other posters have mentioned great resources already, so I’d just be reiterating what you’ve already said) to consider is that …it doesn’t have to happen all at once. You can move one thing at a time, you don’t have to burn yourself out or exhaust yourself trying to set up everything in one day, or read up on every little thing. take your time, evaluate your options. don’t feel locked in to anything, since things can always change.

    I personally use:

    • Proton Mail (and their other apps as well, including SimpleLogin, aside from their password manager. I personally find it worth it to pay for their services. I used Tutanota in the past)
    • Librewolf (as a browser, I used to use Vivaldi but I wanted to move away from Chrome, however I still like Vivaldi, for the record)
    • Bitwarden (password manager)
    • Kagi (as a search engine, I’m very fond of it and splitting the cost of a duo subscription with my partner. I used to use Ecosia)
    • various web browser extensions (canvas blocker, uMatrix, Librewolf has uBlockOrigin baked in)
    • Pi-hole (was my first raspberry pi project ever! I’m still very proud of figuring this out on my own)
    • Invidious (I use it instead of Youtube specifically, as a Youtube front-end, and I prefer it a lot, it’s so much less busy and thus easier for me to focus on the video)
    • Yubikey (for what it works for, I just feel safer using one)

    I have plans to move to a home media server where I can store my photos, shows, and music. although this is kind of above what I’m capable of, so I’m getting help.

    I think it’s awesome you’re trying to get more opinions, and I hope you find things that work for you!