Whatever, I don’t exist.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • To be a woman online means to feel unwelcome. Leaving a new community is pretty much inevitable unless you are willing to swim in toxicity.

    I’ve lost count of how many ‘welcoming’ communities for game/hobby/interest that I have left because of the inevitable creep of (male) toxicity and harassment.

    And it sucks to watch so many people not speak up, and to be targeted for further harassment simply because I said rape jokes weren’t funny. (Or tying and drugging up a woman so T could have a girlfriend, if the group I play online games with are stalking my account read this. You guys are part of the problem.)

    I just want liked minded people to share my interests and play games with.

    I, and other women shouldn’t have to navigate or ignore toxicity to simply exist in public spaces.

    [Downvotes prove my statement. I’m not welcome or wanted, I get it. See you after my funeral.]

  • I have noticed this. I have a few searches that I do regularly, and over time I’ve watched the results get less and less relevant for the same keywords.

    One of the more recent searches was for a set of data I had been building. I had the keywords from my notes, and when I went to search for it again, using the same keywords that found it the previous times, it was no longer a result. I knew the dates of one event in particular, so I narrowed to that, and still google served me results for ten years before the specified date range. A bit more fine tuning, and Google continued to serve the same results, all not even remotely close to what I was after, and results that were found even as recently as last week are not longer there.

  • The hypocrisy of caring and Hallmark holidays.

    Some calendar days were created by companies out to make money, others by organizations trying desperately to raise awareness for their worthwhile cause.

    The end result is often the same, jump on the bandwagon for one day to be seen as doing good or being good, then hop off and return to business as usual.

    There’s a calendar day coming up that every year makes my life worse. For one day a year, acquaintances ask me a question, don’t care about or listen to my answer, and then go back to ignoring me for another year. Oh but hurrah for them, they did the thing they normally wouldn’t because social media gives them warm fuzzies for announcing they did the thing. They don’t even remember the questions or answers, for them, it was a thing to do, instead of being a better caring person for the other 364 days.