That’s a weird punishment.
A geologist and archaeologist by training, a nerd by inclination - books, films, fossils, comics, rocks, games, folklore, and, generally, the rum and uncanny… Let’s have it!
That’s a weird punishment.
Yes, it’s long been known that Prevent has been hoovering up a lot of young ND or mentally ill boys and, as an expert said on Radio 4 today, the current system is hammering round pegs through square holes and needs changing to system that assesses the level of threat someone presents. A lot of those in the system need help, not demonising.
I was wondering how things were going there.
Cool, I was trying to figure out if there was a way to do that.
Good to see.
In theory, a lot of forum software could bolt ActivityPub on. It should be an interesting time now we have proof of concept.
There is a W3C’s SWCG ActivityPub based Forums and Threaded Discussions Task Force. The NodeBB forum for it.
Like Facebook event and marketplace replacements on the fediverse. Or just a Facebook alternative that isn’t Frendica. Or maybe a commercial fork of Frendica.
What? Why? How? What?
There’s no reason monetisation can’t be built into the Fediverse as it is. Ghost is looking like a good replacement for Substack for those that want to monetise their blog/newsletter. Flohmarkt is a Fediverse classified ads service. I don’t think it’ll be long before we see an Fediverse Patreon or eBay, for example, I just suspect the early Fediverse adopters have been so anti-capitalist that they have either rejected such things or overlooked them entirely. However, it’ll be key for getting content creators to move over to the Fediverse as they’ll want to keep their income stream.
In the meantime, more attention on the Fediverse should mean grant money flows in and crowd funding takes off.
My first Loops video! And it’s just a download from TikTok. 😕
I feel he has massively overcorrected here.
It’s compatible with the Mastodon API, so some of the apps work for it. I was talking to the developer of an iOS Mastodon the other day and they are off checking compatibility at the moment.
edit: I also started a thread on people’s experience with apps on !
They dislke flashy people here (I’m not in London, it’s different there), but are quite warm as long as you don’t act like an entitled knobhead.
To be honest, that’s probably how most Brits are unless you land in a very small and remote village where it can get a bit… Slaughtered Lamb.
True but the way Ed Davey is pitching it, the numbers would be limited. We’d probably not hate them far more for just being rich Yanks.
My advice: avoid London
That is how the rest of the country feels too!
Also, their accent is less abrasive than many in England.
Steady on!
Me neither but if you can’t get to New Zealand or, possibly, Ireland it may be better than staying put.
Heaven forfend!
I suppose at worst it could be seen as… “undiplomatic” when the UK government are trying to figure out how to deal with having a vindictive man-baby running the most powerful country in the world but history will have to judge who was right on this (my money is on the mayor).
In Liverpool Irish heritage is almost taken for granted - amongst my immediate friends, the majority could get an Irish passport, only myself and one other friend miss out by a generation, then there’s a few Welsh thrown into the mix. Even my American second cousins don’t make a big deal about it, although they feel very affectionate about Liverpool - one even started their honeymoon here, which struck everyone else as a bit of a waste.
Same shit, different colour
I prefer: Same shit, different arsehole.
Asked about his comments on the BBC on Sunday, Treasury minister Darren Jones said: “I don’t agree with it. I speak on behalf of the government, and we don’t agree with it.”
Speaking on behalf of me, he seems pretty spot on.
So sit your kids, and their grandparents, down. Tell them not to believe anything they see on Facebook, Twitter, Threads or Amazon TV without checking it somewhere reliable. Make your family into a little Lindisfarne for this era of lies, somewhere we can wait out the information dark age, like monks poring over illuminated manuscripts as the black dragon sails of Musk, Zuckerberg and Bezos flutter on the horizon, until the future fascists either tear themselves apart, or slaughter objective truth wholesale.
So keep our heads down and hope it will all blow over? Classic British response but I’m not sure it’s good enough. A boycott is wise as it looks like all the large social media sites are bending the knee to Trump but that also doesn’t bode well for the future as they can distort the political landscape because a lot of people only get their news from them. Unfortunately, abandoning all social media means they can get organised while everyone else bunkers down. Does that make us the resistance? Now there’s a responsibility and a half!
The landlord of my local will buy spirits from the supermarket when they are on offer as it is cheaper than getting it wholesale.