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Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • I don’t disagree on the symantics of the term. I’m just alluding to the fact that selective breeding/hybridizing foodstuffs can be similar to genetic modification from an outside perspective.

    There are a lot of people that will completely discredit anything that that says It has been genetically modified. What they don’t necessarily realize is that GMOs and selective breeding/hybridizing can both carry similar, if not the same risks/benefits. You can make your “all-natural” seeds (for instance) sterile. They can both carry similar risks for allergies. They can also both have the same benefits of of disease/pest/drought tolerance. (see the Great French Wine Blight)

    It’s also not good, not being able to feed your people without imports.

  • Yeah. Those were just two examples that came to mind. Tangelos or any “seedless” produce are some other ones.

    I see GMOs as just another form of agricultural development to decrease issues/problems with production. (like splicing in a gene that makes them less appetizing to pests so you would use less pesticides or one that makes them more drought tolerant)

    One of the largest drawbacks to GMOs though (aside from the capitalistic approach of introducing sterility) is due to allergies. This could however be easily mitigated by listing where each gene comes from so people who may be allergic to the gene of the donor would know if it should be avoided.

  • I agree, but with one caveat.

    Fully analog tube amps do definitely produce a warmer/richer sound with less complicated things to go wrong. Artists like them because they are reliable, generally user serviceable, (usually just need to replace bad/old tubes) and makes each recording sound relatively unique.

    The thing is, is that it really only works during production. Unless being cut direct to a master record, the sound will get saved in a digital format to produce the user-facing media, which can include digital-source vinyls.

    Those products marketed to audiophiles try to take the digitally recorded/archived products to “try” making it sound like the original.

  • The news articles just keep saying it was a slur used in Italian, but never mention what it was. (almost like trying to report it, but also burying it at the same time to save grace)

    After a bit of searching, the word is the loose Italian translation of the “F” slur used in English. I honestly can say I’ve never heard that word (at least in English) used by anyone but true bigots (and immature idiot kids online), even older people.

    I did however have an English teacher in high school (who was openly gay) stop the class once, when someone ask about the subject of slurs. (namely racial ones) His relatively succinct response was that any slur is owned by the people in subject, and only they can choose use it to weaken its hate or let it die from disuse. (I sort of miss him, as he liked to speak to us with a frankness like adults rather than hide things like people do to kids, 12 and under)

    I say that if he can’t stop using it, even “accidentally”, he may not really be as accepting as people think, and it is all just a bit of an act to try to keep that religon alive with gen y+.

  • Yes. I’m not saying that they wouldn’t try to come up with bogus/farfetched regulations, but they legitimately cannot do anything about what goes on behind closed doors in someone’s house. To do otherwise would be a breach in that person’s right to privacy. It’d be like an HOA telling you, you have to vacuum/sweep/mop every other day, otherwise you can be fined. (or saying you can’t have sex on Sundays)

    HOAs do have some extralegal clout, but the right to privacy stops them from interfering in anything you do that isn’t openly visible. (i.e. Doing a meatspin in front of a window facing the street can be penalized, but taking a dump in your kitchen sink can’t, unless the sink is in front of a window facing the street and the blinds/curtains/shutters are open.)

  • Illicit rule making being in their repertoire wouldn’t make it any more just (two wrongs, and everything) or enforceable, as the gun owner could easily just not abide by or pay it. Also, Making any regulation/fee or anything to “frustrate” gun owners could also be seen as harassment.

    There is no indication that the guy ever used or brandished the gun outside his home, which is where the HOA’s jurisdiction would be. Like I said, the HOA can’t do a damn thing about what goes on inside someone’s home. If they were to try, it would fall flat the minute it gets challenged especially with Kansas being one of the states having a castle doctrine which implies the possibile use of a gun (i.e. deadly force) for defense.

    The case is likely going to be about the castle doctrine and it’s limits on whether someone standing on your doorstep constitutes a threat, (which it doesn’t) along with trying to prove that the kid was trying to break in (this I doubt) which could justify an imminent threat.

    I am in no way on the side of the old man. I actually think he was completely in the wrong (also got off way too easy) and the kid was legitimately just at the wrong house.

    My opinion is the man should be evaluated for mental fitness and if unfit would be required to need a caretaker, of sorts. If no mental issues, be tried and convicted for the first degree assault (attempted homicide) charge.

    The HOA however does not have any actual stake in it that I’ve found, as the kid was shot from behind the storm door by the old man who was inside his house.