• 1 Post
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 20th, 2023


  • Biden’s promise is that Trump won’t accept election results, and the nation will be plunged into cataclysmic ecocidal fascism.

    So why is he spending his time outlawing tiktok instead of truth social if the risk is truly so monumental? Why does Biden seem to care more about allowing trump to run than halting fascism? Why would the democrats rather lose than shift left?

    The funniest part is watching liberals try to understand where this discontentment on the actual left is coming from: is it russian bots? Is it maga trolls? Is it Chinese agents? As opposed to the revelation that maybe some people are further left and more apathetic than run-of-the-mill American liberal democrats. Anger at Joe Biden is anything but inorganic.

    Marxists weren’t warning about the inevitable alignment between fascists and liberals for 200 years for nothing, you know. There’s history behind that argument.

    Take a step back and understand you are now arguing in favor of perpetuating your ecocidal, genocidal, and imperialist political project at the expense of 32,000 palestinian lives. You are the bad guy. I suspect that 30 years from now when the choice is between democrat who wants 5 genocides and a republican who wants 10, you’ll still be screeching about how important it is to vote for 99% Hitler since political analysis for liberals stops at the revelation that 99<100.

  • So if a Trump presidency means the end of democracy in America, why hasn’t Trump been outlawed?

    Why is Biden focusing on banning TikTok instead of truth social? Why weren’t the courts getting stacked 2 years ago? Why are the democrats’ obsession with “precedent” and “civility” taking more primacy than outlawing a candidate who, by their own admission, would mean the end of democracy?

    By propping up Trump, the democrats have effortlessly oriented you such that you now give blind support to a genocidal regime. You’ve given the democrats a blank check. The democrats would rather lose to Trump and usher in fascism than shift left in the slightest way (halting genocide).

    Also, epic reddit catchphrase my good sir. I tip my hat you, for you are a gentleman and a scholar.

  • “because you need to pressure and criticize Biden without actually making him lose”

    “We need to be toothless about our criticism of Biden” FTFY

    The threat of making your candidate lose is the only power you have to shift them.

    Next time you’re negotiating for a car, see how much the seller budges after you preceed negotiations with “Now, I am fully committed and happy paying sticker price, but how much can you lower the price?”

    Edit: at least have the intellectual honesty to say out loud that Biden could do anything, and you’d still vote for him

  • Shit is worrying. I’m extremely ignorant to the science of infectious diseases, but at least from my layman’s point of view, it is extremely concerning how this virus went from exploding across the entire globe in wild animal populations, to now infecting cattle, to then infecting goats in such a short time span… It seems like it is progressively getting worse, and any one of these millions of new infections per day could be the one that mutates just right to be able to hop between humans.

    I’m dubious of all the articles stressing the “risk is extremely low, so stay calm” sentiment. That sentiment seems less about giving good advice to make people feel comfortable, and more like a means to minimize panic - which there surely will be if this bug starts hopping between people, and that 50% lethality rate holds steady.

    A bird flu pandemic would be less about social distancing, and more about huddling with a shotgun in your basement.

  • Insinuating that an individual’s turn to trumpism/fascism is due to lead or stupidity completely disregards the decades of regulatory capture, dismantling of social safety nets, financial strain, alienation, and liberal capitalism that ultimately promotes fascism.

    If you don’t abandon this mode of thinking quickly, you’re going to find yourself more and more confused as more people start turning fascist. The only explanation via your current framework is “well, I guess these millions of people must just be… dumb”. This is the danger of liberal thinking - it doesn’t address the cause of fascism or how to kill it. If your framework were correct, we’d see volumes of work that show how lower IQ directly correlates with fascistic tendencies: obviously we know that idea is not only ableist but also incorrect.

    The marxist critique actually takes into account the economic systems and structures that lead to fascism.

  • “Yemeni air defenses were able to shoot down an American plane (MQ-9) with a suitable missile while it was carrying out hostile missions against our country on behalf of the Zionist entity,” a Houthi military spokesperson, Yahya Sarea, said in a statement.

    “Yemeni armed forces will not hesitate to take more military measures and carry out more qualitative operations against all hostile targets in defense of beloved Yemen,” the statement said.

    I’m struggling to see which part of this statement is braggadocious.

  • Nope.

    More money = more drones = more power = undefeatable.

    /s obviously, but it is maddening to hear people talk about modern civil wars as if they’re fought like the American revolutionary war: huge fronts of soldiers walking toward each other, where more bodies and resources were more indicative of a strong force.

    That line of thinking went out the window 100 years ago. The sheer might of the US army does not mean as much when it takes just one disgruntled Texan to shoot critical power transformers, take a government official’s child hostage, blow up rail lines, etc…

    The idea that the American army is an unbeatable force because of our money expenditure is nothing more than American exceptionalism, and I’d encourage believers of that line of thinking to learn about modern guerilla warfare.