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  • 183 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2023


  • At the last family reunion, my mother and I were in charge of making all the food. We spent 3 days getting all of the groceries, and stacked fruits and vegetables in the family room, filled the bathtub with ice to keep the meat, and stacked the drinks in the garage.

    We fried the meat, boiled the noodles, mixed the salad, and cooked the chili. The entire counter and range were covered in pots and pans. Most of the intermediate cookware had been rinsed and was in the process of going through the dish cycle while we were setting tables out in the yard, when my Mom realized she hadn’t made any red pea soup. Her brother was flying in from the island for the occasion and she knew it was his favorite. The bag of peas had hid under a couch pillow, and we missed it while making the rest of the meal.

    We didn’t have enough time to wait for the cleaning cycle to finish, so I dumped out a shallow stainless steel flower vase and put that over the flame. There was no time to soak the peas, so my mom just mixed them raw with the broth, yams, carrots, milk, and spices, and then transferred them to a clean bowl once the cycle was complete. The soup didn’t look right, though. The peas and broth are supposed to have a full ruddy color, but the result was a much darker red like a beet.

    When uncle arrived he was really pleased to see we’d kept him in mind, but after the event was over and everyone had gone home, we found a pile of wet peas dumped behind some bushes. I learned a very important lesson that day: Those who make peas full-red solution in posse bowl, make violet-red solution inedible.

  • I joined Reddit because of the thoughtful discussions, and because it was well moderated, became an extremely useful search term to find answers to difficult questions. I didn’t have much appetite for meme communities and ironic shitposting. It is frustrating to try and discuss the nuance of an article with a pool of people who comment with their knee-jerk reactions to the article title but aren’t interested in the actual content.

    My thinking has since shifted since I started studying patterns for good community-building as a Fediverse admin. It can take significant parts of an hour to engage with long-form content like an investigative report or video essay, and that severely limits who can participate constructively in the comments section. Meanwhile a meme takes seconds to digest, which is more typical of available leisure time. A post on !documentaries or !infrapolitics is lucky to get a dozen votes and any engagement, while it is unusual for !memes posts to get fewer than 100 votes.

    I’m still garbage at finding good memes or making my own, but I’ve come to respect that while a lot of the discussion they provoke isn’t particularly constructive, the sheer volume of the response and the mechanisms of moderation and vote filtering mean some surprisingly insightful discussions can arise in ‘low-effort’ post comments. And people who engage with meme content often experience it as a gateway to more serious communities on the server.

    While the traffic to a meme community can spill over to your other discussions and draw additional attention to your server, I don’t suggest creating one if you no longer have the appetite for that kind of content. Meme communities require at least as much moderation as more serious communities, and are more likely to attract trolls and bad actors. But If you can find people interested in creating and maintaining them based on your server’s ground rules, I don’t think it’s a bad idea to include those kinds of communities on your server.