Introvert. Anime lover. Gamer.

Talkative to some, silent to others. Long term Apollo user and had to move post reddit’s apocalypse circa July 1, 2023

  • 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • In fairness. i don’t consider myself tech adept, I don’t know how to run a server but I know the importance of privacy and open source. Maybe take it as a good thing that these are being openly talked about here, otherwise the mistakes of reddit will just be repeated. Supporting closed source is a ticking time bomb.

    Companies can and will betray you in the name of profit.

    On to privacy and security, they ARE important. You have no idea how many people lost money in their banks or have to deal with lengthy lawsuits and procedures just to get their life back after someone impersonated them by stealing their data or ID.

    In our area, OTP scams are very rampant. And people constantly fall victim to random calls asking for OTP and other details ; then have their banks withdrawn huge amount of money precisely because the issue of security and privacy aren’t openly being talked about.

    Please don’t take it as a negative, but a good thing that these types of things are being discussed.

    As a popular quote (paraphrased) says “those who fail to learn the past is doomed to constantly repeat it.”

    We don’t want another reddit or twitter.

    People are still healing from reddit’s bad decisions. Let them mourn. Let them be angry, let them go through the stages of grief in their own pace.

  • Hmm, I posted in Games and I haven’t have problems so far knocks on wood.

    Well if your interest aligns with some of the communities I moderate, feel free to join in. I have a game related one that’s relatively new but mostly positive.

    Feel free to look around my profile if you’re feeling bored.

    Oh and don’t take this the wrong way, but the apple thing was maybe to be expected

  • Defederation should be a last resort. Beehaw basically defederates with Anyone and seeks to become a private forum. So the comparison isn’t really on par. You are right of course and I agree wholeheartedly that their choice to isolate is their right. Just that I won’t be making an account there, not that I could considering their strict sign up process.

    That said, I have other accounts in other instances. I am wary of joining smaller instances as they could disappear any time, and with it ALL your posts.

    I do have a vlemmy one but it has become unusable as of late (not sure what happened to the site) and which remains unused. I have a lot of pending sign ups with other instances as well, non have replied and I’m tired of having to write essays just to join an instance only to be met with silence (which is why I tend to avoid instances without an open sign up these days).

    I haven’t come across when I was initially looking for lemmy instances. But thanks for pointing that out. If their sign up process isn’t too much trouble then I might give it a try.

    I guess that’s the beauty of the fediverse we can support the instances we want and if nothing fits us we can choose to self host (though with a very high barrier for entry).

    EDIT: Just checked out and it requires an essay as well so I probably won’t waste my time with it. Despite the small amount of defederations that has, it still remains to have the best balance between ease of use and censorship (even nsfw content are allowed here as far as I know)

    So unless its stance on not defederating with Threads cause a lot of problems, I probably won’t switch anytime soon.