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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • If it’s all stuff he really does in real life, how could he sue over it? If it’s factual, you can’t sue. Well you could but you’d lose because South Parks lawyers would say “show me what we said that wasn’t true”

    If it’s its fictional and they clearly state at the beginning of the episode that it’s fictional and you should not assume it’s true, it’s going to be really hard to convince a judge that they were trying to trick people into thinking something was true in order to harm you.

    The first amendment allows you to make fun of people, especially if you say “we’re just being silly and none of this is serious” beforehand

  • 1947: It’s not fair that they want to add black people to white baseball leagues, what if they’re better than the white players! Why don’t all the people in support of black people just host their own sporting events? This is totally unfair.

    2024: it’s not fair that they want to add trans women to cis women’s sports leagues. What if they’re better than the cis female players! Why don’t all the people in support of trans people just host their own events?

    2124: it’s not fair that they want to add [insert minority social group with limited population, power, and resources] to [thing majority group cares about keeping control of]. What if they [improve the overall product or system]? Why don’t all the people that support [minority group] make a special [thing] just for them?

    It’s important to consider that this is not the first time society freaked out about who was allowed to pay in which sports league. It turned out fine last time, better, in fact.

  • Have you tried reading the whole article instead of only the headline? That usually helps to glean some context and form an informed opinion instead of just guessing. That’s what works for me, at least.

    Here’s the relevant bit, but I really do recommend reading the whole thing!

    According to the transgender participation policy, which goes into effect in August, all athletes may participate in NAIA-sponsored male sports but only athletes whose biological sex assigned at birth is female and have not begun hormone therapy will be allowed to participate in women’s sports.

    A student who has begun hormone therapy may participate in activities such as workouts, practices and team activities, but not in intercollegiate competition.

    “All but banned” is certainly a subjective phrase, but reading the article I’d have to agree. What do you think?

  • That’s a great question, I hope you’re asking because you actually want to know!

    These books have been banned mostly in school districts across the U.S. Below is a list of several school districts that have banned genderqueer books over the last few years. All of the ones below have banned All Boys Aren’t Blue, as well as many of the others mentioned in OP:

    • The Frisco Independent School District in TX

    • Shawnee Heights Unified School District in KS

    • North Hunterdon-Voorhees Regional High School District in NJ

    • Flagler Palm Coast High School in FL

    • Alta High School in The Canyons

    If you need more examples, a quick Google search for “which places have banned [book title]” will give you lots of results! Alternatively, here is the URL I was referencing for my short list.